Two Ryan Grenfells who became pals on Facebook meet up

  • Ryan Grenfell from Scotland became friends with namesake in Sydney year ago
  • Pair, both 21, met on Facebook after being amused by sharing the same name
  • Scot Ryan was ecstatic to meet his Australian friend in Edinburgh for a night out
  • Snap of the pair enjoying a pint together attracted over 29,000 likes on Twitter

Two friends who share the same name but live 10,500 miles apart sparked a social media frenzy after posting a picture of them enjoying a pint together.

Ryan Grenfell from Carluke, South Lanarkshire, met his namesake from Sydney, Australia, on Facebook, a year ago.

After bonding over their shared name and age, the 21-year-olds now often exchange messages online and the occasional video call.

This picture of Ryan Grenfell from Scotland and his namesake from Australia enjoying a drink together in Edinburgh, went viral attracting 29,000 likes on Twitter

However, Scottish Ryan was ecstatic to hear his Australian friend, who he calls ‘brother’, was in Edinburgh.

He jumped on the train to the Scottish capital and a snap of the pair enjoying a beer  together has attracted over 29,000 likes on Twitter. 

Scottish Ryan posted pictures of the pair to Twitter with the caption: ‘Ever added somebody on facebook because you have the same name?

‘This is Ryan Grenfell from down under and he’s exactly one month older than me – weird!

‘He emailed me yesterday saying he had just landed in Edinburgh, so I went for a few pints with him.’

The Scot said: ‘We spoke for a year mainly just about life in general, work, cars, nights out and things. We sometimes face-timed when we were drunk as well.

‘I live in Carluke so I had to get the train to Edinburgh for a few pints with brother.’

He added: ‘I knew he was coming over, he’s going to be touring Europe for a month with a friend.

‘I got him on the buckfast, and he even likes Irn Bru now.’