Two teenage yobs smashed car windscreens hurling bricks

Two brazen teenage yobs who smashed car windscreens by hurling bricks and rubble from a motorway bridge have been jailed for five years.  

Warehouse workers Jordan Arendorf and Peter Nugent, both 19, launched the heavy objects at the passing vehicles while they walked home in the morning after a shift. 

They smashed several windscreens and injured one driver. A judge said that it was ‘only by the Grace of God’ that no one was killed.

The pair, of Bristol, were jailed for two-and-a-half years each after admitting four charges of obstructing a road and a single charge of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

One of the men was seen throwing an object from a bridge at passing vehicles on the busy road

Jordan Arendorf

Peter Nugent

Warehouse workers Jordan Arendorf (left) and Peter Nugent (right) both threw objects from the bridge 

Shocking CCTV images showed one of them launching objects at motorists who were driving in the rain

Shocking CCTV images showed one of them launching objects at motorists who were driving in the rain

One of the men’s supporters shouted: ‘F*** the system’ as she left court.

The pair terrorised drivers over the course of several weeks by bombarding them with improvised missiles from Kings Weston Lane bridge, over the M49 and M5 slip road in Bristol.

Christopher and Deborah Shaw were in their Ford Escort estate, towing their £10,000 caravan to Brean, Somerset, for a holiday, when a flat rock smashed the front window of the caravan.

A vending machine cup – similar to those found at the teenagers’ workplace – was also stuffed full of stones, gravel and brick and lobbed at traffic.

Lorry driver James Armstrong had the windscreen of his 44-tonne DAF cement truck cracked, before a lump of concrete hit him in the chest. He was admitted to hospital with severe bruising.

Three days later lorry driver Steve Morton spotted two boys on the bridge before one threw a missile and his windscreen smashed, covering him in glass.

Recorder Mr Timothy Grice said the teenagers activity was ‘horrifically dangerous’.

They smashed several windscreens and injured one driver. A judge said that it was 'only by the Grace of God' that no one was killed

They smashed several windscreens and injured one driver. A judge said that it was ‘only by the Grace of God’ that no one was killed

The reckless pair ended up smashing a number of windscreens after throwing objects from the bridge 

The reckless pair ended up smashing a number of windscreens after throwing objects from the bridge 

The pair had just finished working in a warehouse when they decided to throw rocks and bricks at travelling vehicles 

The pair had just finished working in a warehouse when they decided to throw rocks and bricks at travelling vehicles 

He said: ‘People who are involved in this and people who read about this would be absolutely horrified and find it unacceptable if the perpetrators did not face immediate prison.

Initially the pair denied wrongdoing.

Farah Rashid, defending Nugent, said her client couldn’t explain why he did what he did but had shown remorse and concern for victims.

Derek Perry, defending Arendorf, said: ‘Maybe their brains haven’t caught up with their bodies. They did something to get a thrill without thinking about the consequences.’