Two travellers have bareknuckle fight in Hemel Hempstead

A sickening video shows two travellers covered in blood and bruises after a bare-knuckle fight that lasted for 30 minutes.

Onlookers who turned up to enjoy the fight were so appalled they repeatedly pleaded with the men to stop but were ignored.

Eventually the punch-drunk fighters were forced by the ‘referees’ to stop battering each other, shake hands, and call it a draw.

The fight was said to be over an ‘unsettled argument’ between families who had been quarreling via YouTube

The bare knuckle fight between the two men in a car park has been seen over 200,000 times 

The bare knuckle fight between the two men in a car park has been seen over 200,000 times 

The two men, named in the video as Davie Joyce and Michael Navin, battled each other in front of a crowd in a wet, abandoned car park in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire.

They were said to be fighting over an ‘unsettled argument’ between both families who had been calling each other out on Youtube.

Facebook page Bare Knuckle Fighting shared the clip, which now has over 200,000 views and 1,400 likes.

The footage begins with two referees, one from each of the warring families, explaining the rules before the pair begin to exchange blows.

The two men are named in the video as Davie Joyce and Michael Navin and battled it out in front of a small crowd 

The two men are named in the video as Davie Joyce and Michael Navin and battled it out in front of a small crowd 

The fight took place in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire and lasted about half an hour

The fight took place in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire and lasted about half an hour

The pair exchanged blows and grappled with each other on the slippery concrete

The man wearing the black shorts managed to burst the nose of his opponent early in the fight

The man wearing the black shorts managed to burst the nose of his opponent early in the fight

The blood soaked man, named as Michael Navin, continues to fight despite his wound 

The blood soaked man, named as Michael Navin, continues to fight despite his wound 

The referees tried to get the pair to stop after 15 minutes but they ignored the appeal 

The referees tried to get the pair to stop after 15 minutes but they ignored the appeal 

A crowd of men stand watching in the rain at a ‘secret location’ in the town.

At one point, the man named as Davie Joyce, wearing black shorts, manages to burst his opponent’s nose within the first five minutes.

The man named as Michael Navin, wearing grey shorts, is undeterred and continues to exchange blows with his rival despite blood pouring from his face.

The two punch, jab and scrap with each other on the slippy wet concrete as the battle unfolds.

At seven minutes into the fight both men are told they can shake hands and walk away, but ignore the referees’ pleas and continue to exchange blows.

The two men also ignored onlookers pleas to stop the fight and continued brawling 

The two men also ignored onlookers pleas to stop the fight and continued brawling 

The referees try to force them to shake hands after 15 minutes of fighting, but the pair are unmoved by onlookers’ appeals to them to stop.

Both men end up with blood covering their hands and torsos, and Navin’s face continues to stream with blood through the entire fight.

The fight ended in a draw, with both fighters being forced to shake hands and concede that the fight was over.

Ifran Iqbal, who filmed the fight, said: ‘The fight took place at a secret location around Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire

‘The fight between Davie Joyce vs Michael Navin started at 15.22 hours to be precise. It was very cold and wet, the fight lasted for 32 minutes and was agreed a draw by both fighters.

The men end up with blood covering their hands and torsos and eventually called it a day 

The men end up with blood covering their hands and torsos and eventually called it a day 

Both fighters were eventually forced to shake hands and concede that the fight was over

Both fighters were eventually forced to shake hands and concede that the fight was over

‘Both referees, known as “fair play men”, were cousins to each fighter. 

‘The fight was over a long term unsettled argument via YouTube challenges to each other to honour their family name.’

Social media users had mixed opinions over the half an hour long battle.

Patrick McDonald said: ‘Good f******* fight. Two tough men, fair play to them both*.’ 

Nicola Hooper commented: ‘Why do you allow it to become a blood bath? Call it a day.’

Glen Reenan added: ‘Beats any fight this year. Boxing, UFC, the lot.. Great fight.’

While Ben Eldridge said: ‘That’s how shit should be solved. Not like these d***heads that run around stabbing each other, have a straightener and that’s it done. Respect to both men.’