Types of Push Notifications in Advertising To Monetize The Website

Push notifications are an increasingly popular way for businesses to monetize their websites by sending targeted, personalized messages directly to their audience’s mobile devices and this can be done with the help of RollerAds.

These notifications can include text, images, and interactive buttons that can direct users to a specific webpage or app feature, making them a highly effective tool for driving engagement, increasing website traffic, and boosting conversions.

However, it’s important to use push notifications strategically and with the user’s experience in mind to avoid causing frustration and increase the chances of them taking the desired action.

Here are some of the most effective types of push notifications that businesses can use to monetize their websites:

1. Promotional Notifications

These notifications are used to inform users about sales, discounts, and special offers. They are a great way to drive conversions by reminding users of a limited-time offer or a sale that’s about to end.

Promotional notifications should be timed strategically and relevant to the user to maximize their effectiveness.

2. Abandoned Cart Notifications

These notifications are used to remind users about items they left in their online shopping cart. They are a great way to encourage users to complete a purchase they were close to making.

To maximize the effectiveness of abandoned cart notifications, businesses should make sure that the notifications are sent at the right time and that they include a clear call-to-action, such as a link to the abandoned cart.

3. Personalized Notifications

These notification Ads are personalized to the user based on their browsing and purchase history. They are a great way to increase engagement by showing users relevant products and offers.

A business should optimize personalized notifications by timing them strategically and tailoring them based on the recent behavior of the user.

4. Transactional Notifications

These notifications are used to inform users about a purchase, delivery, or other transactional information.

They are a great way to keep users informed and increase trust. To maximize the effectiveness of transactional notifications, businesses should make sure that the notifications are sent in a timely manner and that they include all the necessary information.

5. In-App Notifications

These notifications are delivered inside of an app and can be used to inform users about new features, updates, or other relevant information. They are a great way to increase engagement by keeping users informed about new developments.

Ensure that the notifications are timed strategically and relevant to the user in order to maximize the effectiveness of in-app notifications.

6. Re-engagement Notifications

These notifications are used to re-engage inactive users and encourage them to return to the app or website. They are a great way to keep users engaged and increase the lifetime value of a customer.

To maximize the effectiveness of re-engagement notifications with Push ads, businesses should make sure that the notifications are timed strategically and that they include a clear call to action.

7. App-update Notifications

These notifications are used to inform users when an update is available for the app they have installed. They are a great way to keep users informed about new developments and to ensure that the app is running smoothly.

The most effective app-update notifications include all the necessary information and are timed strategically.


It’s important to note that not all types of push notifications are appropriate for all types of businesses or apps. It is important to evaluate the goals and the audience of a campaign before deciding which type of push notifications to use.

As with any form of advertising, it is important to test and measure the performance of push notifications to optimize the results. In addition to these types of push notifications, businesses can also use location-based notifications.