U2 cancels its St Louis concert after Stockley protests

U2 has cancelled its St Louis concert as more protests erupt in the Missouri city over the acquittal of a white cop who shot dead a black man in 2011.  

Thirty-two people were arrested for the upheaval which saw at least ten officers injured including one who had his jaw broken and another who dislocated his shoulder on Friday night. 

On Saturday, another 300 marched at West County Center Mall to carry on their demonstration for a second night.

Macy’s closed its doors in fear of the crowd and there was an increased police presence at the mall. 

They are angry about the acquittal of white cop Jason Stockley who was cleared of murdering black drug dealer Anthony Smith in 2011 on Friday after years of anticipation. 

Many believe Stockley planted a gun in Smith’s car after he shot him six times following a high-speed car chase. The weapon had none of the dead man’s DNA on it but Stockey’s fingerprints were picked up. 

Protesters descended on West County Mall in St Louis, Missouri, on Saturday for the second day of protests over the acquittal of cop Jason Stockley who shot Anthony Smith in 2011 

The protesters held signs reading 'black lives matter' and 'white silence = white consent' as they stormed down the escalators

The protesters held signs reading 'black lives matter' and 'white silence = white consent' as they stormed down the escalators

The protesters held signs reading ‘black lives matter’ and ‘white silence = white consent’ as they stormed down the escalators

Despite public outcry over the shooting, Brockley was acquitted of first degree murder yesterday and the decision sparked uproar in the Missouri town. 

In response to the decision, protesters stormed the mayor’s house and burned flags outside, threatening more violence on Saturday night.  

With this in mind, U2 issued a statement on Saturday announcing it had cancelled its concert.

‘We have been informed by the St. Louis Police Department that they are not in a position to provide the standard protection for our audience as would be expected for an event of this size.

‘We have also been informed that local crowd security personnel would not be at full capacity.

‘In light of this information, we cannot in good conscience risk our fans’ safety by proceeding with tonight’s concert. As much as we regret having to cancel, we feel it is the only acceptable course of action in the current environment,’ the band said in a statement. 

There was an increased police presence at the mall as the protesters stormed through it but the demonstration remained peaceful 

There was an increased police presence at the mall as the protesters stormed through it but the demonstration remained peaceful 

Many stores closed their doors as the protesters marched past them peacefully carrying signs and chanting 

Many stores closed their doors as the protesters marched past them peacefully carrying signs and chanting 

Macy's locked its doors in fear of the crowd. The protesters said they wanted to 'shut down' the mall to harm the city's economy as payback for acquitting the white cop 

Macy’s locked its doors in fear of the crowd. The protesters said they wanted to ‘shut down’ the mall to harm the city’s economy as payback for acquitting the white cop 

Cops stood guard outside stores at the mall as protesters marched past with signs on Saturday afternoon 

Cops stood guard outside stores at the mall as protesters marched past with signs on Saturday afternoon 

Jason Stockley (pictured) was aquitted on Friday in the 2011 death of Anthony Lamar Smith

Smith (pictured above holding his daughter Autumn) was shot dead by Stockley in 2011 after a high speed chase

Stockley (left) was aquitted on Friday in the 2011 death of Smith (right, with his daughter)

Ticketholders will be able to claim a refund online or at their place of purchase, they added. 

With more protests feared to take place on Saturday night, an angry crowd formed at West County Mall to march.

They were non-violent and marched through the mall chanting various slogans. Friday night’s protests were decidedly more threatening. 

Police found guns at some of the protest sites and were forced to put out dumpster fires in other areas. 

In a late night message, Mayor Lyda Krewson, who was forced to flee her home as protesters descended on it, joined St Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson to deliver a message to the city’s residents. 

‘Our officers have been very tolerant and have used great restraint however this evening we’ve had some incidents.

As the protesters stormed the mall, there were fears of other, more violent protests which may erupt later in the night 

As the protesters stormed the mall, there were fears of other, more violent protests which may erupt later in the night 


After his acquittal on Friday, Jason Stockley took part in a sit-down interview with The St Louis Dispatch where he continued to defend his actions in December 2011. 

‘I did not murder Anthony Lamar Smith. I did not plant a gun. 

‘I can feel for and I understand what the family is going through, and I know everyone wants someone to blame, but I’m just not the guy,’ he said. 

Critics are convinced he shot Smith six times with his own weapon then placed another in Smith’s car to make it appear he had been armed. 

The gun had none of Smith’s DNA on it but it had traces of Stockley’s.

Speaking of his acquittal, Stockley said he felt as though a ‘burden had been lifted’. 

‘The taking of a life is the most significant thing that one can do, and it’s not something that is done lightly and it’s not something that should ever be celebrated. 

‘And it’s just a horrible experience altogether. But, sometimes, it’s necessary.’

‘Tonight, we responded to numerous locations as demonstrators marched through the city. After dark, many agitators began to destroy property and assault police officers.

‘A total of 9 st louis officers were injured. Injuries of St Louis city officers include a possible broken jaw as well as one officer with a dislocated shoulder. 

U2 cancelled its concert in St Louis on Saturday in light of the protests 

U2 cancelled its concert in St Louis on Saturday in light of the protests 

‘Windows were also broken, restaurants sustained damage as did the library. Tear gas was deployed after officers were assaulted with bricks and bottles.’ 

The forced shared a photograph on Twitter of a gun that was found at one of the scenes. 

Westgate Mall was temporarily shut down on Saturday in the second day of upheaval. They chanted: ‘You kill one of us, we kill your economy’ and carried Black Lives Matters signs above their heads. 

Video footage taken inside shows them chanting from the escalators. 

They formed their plan in a park hours earlier where one protester told local station KSDK: There’s only two things this country understands: money and eye-for-an-eye, tooth-for-a-tooth. 

‘The second, we’re not engaged in so we have to affect this system economically. Today, we are going to shut down a mall.’

A protester on Friday night faces officers in St Louis while marching against the acquittal of Jason Stockley 

A protester on Friday night faces officers in St Louis while marching against the acquittal of Jason Stockley 

An officer armed with a wooden baton and wearing a gas mask gets ready to face the angry crowds 

An officer armed with a wooden baton and wearing a gas mask gets ready to face the angry crowds 

Police dressed in riot gear were forced to defend themselves against the angry crowds of protesters. Nine were injured

Police dressed in riot gear were forced to defend themselves against the angry crowds of protesters. Nine were injured

A child among the protesters who descended on the city last night, causing damage to buildings and injuries to cops

A child among the protesters who descended on the city last night, causing damage to buildings and injuries to cops

A group link arms in solidarity as they prepare to face police on Friday in St Louis 

A group link arms in solidarity as they prepare to face police on Friday in St Louis 

The protests, which began during the afternoon, continued well into the evening hours

The protests, which began during the afternoon, continued well into the evening hours

On Friday night, protesters used milk to take the pepper spray out of their eyes.   

The head of the NAACP St. Louis asked President Donald Trump and the Justice Department to immediately review Stockley’s acquittal.

St. Louis Public Radio reports that in a letter sent Friday, St. Louis NAACP president Adolphus Pruitt said the Justice Department needed to give immediate attention to the case ‘to get to the truth of what happened and to ensure that justice has been served.’

Pruitt said the community has lost faith in local authorities to fairly handle such cases. 

He cited the remarks from Albert Watkins, the attorney for Smith’s fiancee. Watkins said ruling was ‘appallingly contrary’ to evidence in the case.

A protester is doused with milk to counter the effects of pepper spray which was used by police

A protester is doused with milk to counter the effects of pepper spray which was used by police

A cop and a protester stand face to face during the protests on Friday 

A cop and a protester stand face to face during the protests on Friday 

Protesters are seen above yelling at law enforcement officers on the steps of the Old Courthouse

Protesters are seen above yelling at law enforcement officers on the steps of the Old Courthouse

Members of National Park Service watch as protesters pass the Old Courthouse

Members of National Park Service watch as protesters pass the Old Courthouse

A woman marching downtown holds up a sign that reads 'Murderers Are In Uniform' during the protests

A woman marching downtown holds up a sign that reads ‘Murderers Are In Uniform’ during the protests

Watkins said the family disagrees with the judge’s ruling that the state didn’t meet its burden of proof for a finding that the officer was guilty of murder.

Watkins and Smith’s fiance, Christina Wilson, on Thursday appealed for calm and non-violent protest no matter what verdict was issued.

Wells Fargo Advisors, brokerage and investment firm Stifel and Nestle Purina PetCare all sent thousands of employees home Friday after the acquittal.

And an Alzheimer’s Walk scheduled for Saturday in downtown St. Louis was postponed.   

Heavy-handed police knock white-haired woman to the ground during St. Louis protests then walk over her before handcuffing her


Shocking videos have emerged of St. Louis police knocking a woman to the ground and walking over her before handcuffing her and leading her away.

The confrontation between police and protesters came on Friday following a judge’s acquittal of former police officer Jason Stockley in the 2011 shooting death of a suspect following a car chase.

Police say that protests had turned violent at the intersection of Clark Avenue and S Tucker Boulevard, where the video was shot, after demonstrators smashed a police vehicle windshield and threw bottles at cops.

Police responded by declaring the assembly unlawful and ordering the intersection cleared. 

The lady in red lies stunned on the ground for several moments before she is pulled to her feet by several officers and placed in handcuffs

The lady in red lies stunned on the ground for several moments before she is pulled to her feet by several officers and placed in handcuffs

Video from the ground and the air shows officers stepping and stumbling over the woman

Video from the ground and the air shows officers stepping and stumbling over the woman

‘Demonstrators smash windshield of a police vehicle at Tucker & Clark. Property damage & violence will not be tolerated,’ police said shortly after 5pm.

‘Crowd at Tucker & Clark throwing bottles at officers. Mace will be deployed. Officers in protective gear will deploy to maintain peace,’ the St. Louis police department said on Twitter at 5.15pm local time.

‘Protesters are ignoring commands to clear roadway @ Market & Tucker. They are in clear violation of the law & subject to arrest,’ the department tweeted moments later.

‘This protest is no longer considered peaceful. Demonstrators are asked to leave the area of Tucker & Clark,’ the department said.

Aerial video captured by a Fox2Now chopper shows a line of police with riot shields moving forward to clear the intersection.

Protesters at the intersection of Clark and Tucker had smashed a windshield and thrown bottles at cops, police said. Officer in protective gear deployed to clear the intersection

Protesters at the intersection of Clark and Tucker had smashed a windshield and thrown bottles at cops, police said. Officer in protective gear deployed to clear the intersection

The woman in red initially backs away from the advancing officers before turning around to flee as they push forward in riot gear

The woman in red initially backs away from the advancing officers before turning around to flee as they push forward in riot gear

The lady wearing red backs away from them before turning around and stumbling to the ground. 

Video from the ground shows a chaotic scene as police announce on a bullhorn that the assembly is unlawful and give orders to clear the intersection.

The police officers proceed stepping and stumbling over the woman as mace is used to clear other protesters from the intersection.

The lady in red lies stunned on the ground for several moments before she is pulled to her feet by several officers and placed in handcuffs.

The identity of the woman was not immediately clear, and it is unknown whether she was charged in the incident.

Police arrested 13 people during the demonstrations, with 12 of the arrests logged at 315 North Tucker, near the intersection where the incident took place.   

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk