UAP senator Ralph Babet moans about taking a ‘pay cut’ to sit in Parliament

Yuppie senator’s massive whinge about having to take a ‘pay cut’ to sit in Federal Parliament: ‘If you think $200k is a good deal… then you’re wrong’

  • Ralph Babet is a new senator for Victoria representing the United Australia Party
  • He has complained salary of $217,060 was a ‘pay cut’ compared to his day job
  • Mr Babet runs a real estate business in Melbourne with his brother Matt
  • ‘This is a sacrifice for me I’m doing it to serve my country,’ he tweeted

The United Australia Party’s only elected politician has moaned about taking a ‘pay cut’ to become a senator.

Ralph Babet, who runs a Melbourne real estate business with his brother Matt, has declared he is making a ‘sacrifice’ by turning to politics even though he will get a $217,060 salary plus expenses.

‘This is a sacrifice for me I’m doing it to serve my country,’ he tweeted on Wednesday.

The United Australia Party’s only elected politician has moaned about taking a ‘pay cut’ to become a senator

Ralph Babet, who runs a Melbourne real estate business with his brother Matt, has declared he is making a 'sacrifice'

Ralph Babet, who runs a Melbourne real estate business with his brother Matt, has declared he is making a ‘sacrifice’

‘It’s a pay cut. If you think 200k for the amount of work I will have to do and the amount of suffering I will endure is a good deal, then you’re wrong.

‘I’d be happier running my business. I’m doing this for Australia.’

The tweet was a response to another Twitter user who said he should give away half his salary to prove he’s opposed to big government. 

Mr Babet’s comments received furious backlash online, with commenters calling him a ‘sook’, a ‘grifter’, and much worse. 

Over his six-year term he will earn more than $1.3million, paid for by taxpayers.  

The real estate agent was officially confirmed as the winner of the sixth Victorian spot, ahead of Liberal Greg Mirabella, on Monday.

Despite spending big on outdoor, digital, TV and newspaper advertising, the UAP failed to win any lower house seats and billionaire chairman Clive Palmer failed to return himself to Parliament via a Queensland senate spot. 

After the election, Mr Babet deleted all his social media accounts.

Mr Babet's Twitter account shows pictures of him sipping champagne, posing next to the Australian flag and meeting supporters (above)

Mr Babet’s Twitter account shows pictures of him sipping champagne, posing next to the Australian flag and meeting supporters (above)

The real estate agent was officially confirmed as the winner of the sixth Victorian spot, ahead of Liberal Greg Mirabella, on Monday.

The real estate agent was officially confirmed as the winner of the sixth Victorian spot, ahead of Liberal Greg Mirabella, on Monday.

His new account shows pictures of him sipping champagne, posing next to the Australian flag and meeting supporters. 

Before the election Mr Babet had promoted conspiracy theories including that the World Economic Forum is attempting to destroy capitalism through its Great Reset. 

Mr Babet suggested the forum’s boss Klaus Schwab was now effectively prime minister, writing: ‘I would like to congratulate the prime minister of Australia on an excellent campaign. Well done Klaus Schwab.’ 

He is strongly anti lockdowns and anti vaccine mandates and has described the Greens’ ideology as ‘cancerous’.

The tally of the Senate’s 76 seats includes 32 for the coalition, 26 for Labor, 12 for the Greens, two for both One Nation and the Jacqui Lambie Network, and one each for the United Australia Party and independent David Pocock.

Labor will need the support of the Greens and one other senator to pass laws opposed by the coalition.

Teal independent David Pocock is most likely to back the new Government and Jacqui Lambie is also open to working with Mr Albanese, meaning Mr Babet’s vote is unlikely to make a difference on most laws.   

Ralph Babet (right with UAP leader Craig Kelly, centre, and his brother Matt Babet, left) took the sixth Victorian spot from Liberal Greg Mirabella after counting finished on Monday

Ralph Babet (right with UAP leader Craig Kelly, centre, and his brother Matt Babet, left) took the sixth Victorian spot from Liberal Greg Mirabella after counting finished on Monday 
