UFO spotted over Scotland and North East on New Year’s Eve

  • Around 150 people reported sightings of the glowing green meteor on Saturday
  • Some mistook it for a firework when it flew by just minutes before New Year’s Eve
  • Brian Cox even took to Twitter to say he was sad that he missed the rare sight 

Every New Year’s Eve the skies are full of fireworks of all different colours, shapes and sizes.

But one unidentified, glowing green object was far too big and bright to be part of any celebratory display.  

Keen-eyed people across the country spotted a UFO on Saturday night and took to social media to try work out what it was. 

James Girling tweeted: ‘Travelling up the A1 – spotted huge meteor enter Earth’s atmosphere. Absolutely insane #meteor.’

Alyson Dodd posted: ‘We saw the green and gold meteor flying fast over Nord Bottleshop in Whitley Bay while sat having a drink in the window.

‘I thought it was a firework, Matthew thought it was a fighter jet.’  

Keen-eyed people across the country spotted a UFO on Saturday night and took to social media to try work out what it was

Greg Stone said: ‘Was on the A19 approach to the Tyne Tunnel tonight and saw the bright green meteor fly overhead quite low before breaking into two and fading over Gateshead – spectacular.’ 

@Nevermore1983 added: ‘That meteor was so bright never seen one like it. #Durham’ 

There were over 300 reported sightings of the bright green meteor, according to the International Meteor Organisation. 

There were over 300 reported sightings of the bright green meteor, which flew across the skies minutes before New Year's Eve, according to the International Meteor Organisation

There were over 300 reported sightings of the bright green meteor, which flew across the skies minutes before New Year’s Eve, according to the International Meteor Organisation

Tom Gold said he spotted the sight in Northumberland, the ChronicleLive reported.

He said: ‘I saw it here in Corbridge, was an outstanding sight. Never seen anything like it before.’ 

Famous physicist Professor Brian Cox took to social media to say he was ‘sad’ that he missed it.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk