Pollen-bomb to drop on Britain! Warning of hay fever hell for thousands as UK is set for sun and cooler 71F today after road-melting heatwave at weekend
- The Met Office has stated that pollen levels will be at very high levels across most of the country today
- Temperatures will drop this week to a cooler 71F as many struggled to deal with the heat at the weekend
- Comes as public transport was halted and roads started to melt following highs of 91F on Saturday
The UK is set for milder temperatures of 71F this week, bringing respite to those that were struggling to handle to heat, which saw public transport being halted and roads melting over the weekend.
But those who suffer from hay fever are now set to struggle, as a pollen-bomb is set to drop on Britain, leaving many with streaming eyes and sniffling noses.
Yesterday part of a motorway in Derbyshire was seen to have melted in the middle, after a Saharan Bubble swept across the UK and Europe, pushing most of the population to the great outdoors to enjoy a stroll on the beach or even a walk in the park.
The A50 carriageway near Foston had to be closed, causing hours of delays for commuters and those heading out for the day.
It came as the ‘wrong type of heat’ was blamed for halting public transport across the country yesterday, with Network Rail imposing speed restrictions across its lines.
People enjoy the warm temperatures at Henley-on-Thames in Oxfordshire today as the warm weather continues

Sunrise at Hatchett Pond, Hampshire in the New Forest this morning (pictured above) as temperatures are set to drop today

The Olga bulk carrier sits off the coast near Tynemouth just before sunrise today. The UK is expected to be hit by a pollen bombs which will cause hell for many hay fever sufferers

The Met Office today said it would be bad news for hay fever sufferers today as pollen levels will be high or very high for many

The weather forecast this week is a far cry from the clear blue skies the UK has been experiencing over the last few days

The Met Office also added that people would still need their sunglasses today but that many should also pack a rain coat just incase
The heat and humidity from the weekend will be a distance memory today, Scotland and Ireland will be cloudy with parts of rain today, while south east England and London will have a sunny start with developing clouds through the morning.
This is while the south of the country is set to be braced for very high pollen levels today while northern areas will have moderate levels.
Tree pollen usually first occurs from March to mid-May and has two peaks from mid May to July. Pollen bombs occur as flowers and plants need a period of both cool and warm weather in order to flower.
Over the last couple of days the UK has seen high temperatures of 91F, and today has dropped to 71F, perfect conditions for plants to flower.
Long winters often mean that plants that haven’t flowered during spring time will all flower at once which causes more pollen to be released, which turn will hinder those who suffer from hay fever.
This makes hay fever symptoms much worse and pollen bombs can last from anything from a few days to weeks.
But those suffering from symptoms will at least be able to enjoy sunny spells today as today will remain dry will sunny spells.

Yesterday many flocked to the beaches across the UK to enjoy the sunshine. People were pictured playing water sports and relaxing on the beach in Dorset (above)

All across the country people flocked to the great outdoors to enjoy the sunshine and socialise with each other (people pictured above near the Tower of London yesterday)

The A50 carriageway in Derbyshire couldn’t handle the heat yesterday and was pictured having partly melted away following days of hot weather across the UK