Last night Jo Marney resigned from Ukip after being presented with more evidence from The Mail on Sunday about racist messages she has sent.
In an exchange with a friend on social media last year, Ukip leader Henry Bolton’s former mistress described Muslims as ‘all f****** idiots’ and said she ‘wouldn’t trust any of them with a potato gun’.
In one Facebook message, she said: ‘If it were Christians who were the threat I would be the first f****** one to say so. It isn’t. It’s Islam.
Glamour model Jo Marney (pictured with Henry Bolton) quit Ukip after racist messages emerged where she called Muslims ‘f***ing idiots’ and the ‘cancer of this earth’

‘They’re the cancer of this earth. And we need to get rid of them from this country. Before more of us are murdered.’
Ms Marney then explains why she expresses such shocking views, saying: ‘I will say what I think.
‘I have no interest in watering down what I think like some kind of cowardly Tory.’
In an exchange with a different friend, she wrote: ‘If you took a photo of some random streets in London and showed someone in America and said, “where is this”, they would probably guess at Turkey or something.’
Last night, Ms Marney said: ‘I am devastated at the turmoil I have caused and offer my sincere apologies to members.’

Ms Marney said: ‘I am devastated at the turmoil I have caused and offer my sincere apologies to members’
Revealed: Ukip aide quit after leader’s boasts about ‘seeing’ an Italian au pair half his age while wife was pregnant
Henry Bolton’s campaign chief quit in disgust after the beleaguered Ukip leader allegedly boasted of ‘seeing’ an Italian au pair half his age while his wife was pregnant.
Neil Jones claimed that Mr Bolton, 54, was ‘full of himself’ after he invited striking Chiara Colombo, 27, to campaign with him when he ran as Ukip’s candidate for Kent police and crime commissioner in January 2016.
The allegations pile further pressure on Mr Bolton ahead of an emergency meeting of the party’s National Executive Committee today.
They come after he left his wife for 25-year-old glamour model Jo Marney on December 23, followed by this newspaper’s revelations of Ms Marney’s racist text messages about Meghan Markle.
Mr Bolton met Ms Colombo in Keppels bar at Folkestone’s Grand Hotel, ironically named after Alice Keppel, Edward VII’s mistress.

Henry Bolton’s campaign chief Neil Jones quit in disgust after he claims the Ukip leader boasted of seeing Chiara Colombo, pictured, an Italian au pair who is half his age
According to Mr Jones, Mr Bolton told friends she later joined him upstairs in the flat he owns in the building.
Mr Jones said: ‘We went for Sunday lunch and Henry arrived looking really pleased with himself. He said he was seeing this Italian girl and showed us a picture of her in a yellow bikini.
‘He said she was going to come out campaigning with him. I was absolutely disgusted and I let him know exactly what I thought. I resigned a few days later over this woman.’

Neil Jones claimed that Mr Bolton met Ms Colombo while his third wife Tatiana Smurova (pictured) was away working in Austria. She was five months pregnant at the time
The events unfolded while Mr Bolton’s third wife Tatiana Smurova, 42, was away working in Austria. She was five months pregnant with their second daughter. Yesterday, she spoke of her fury that Mr Bolton ‘did not have the courage to tell me directly, personally’ about Marney.
Mr Jones said of Bolton and Ms Colombo: ‘Henry didn’t say they had slept together or anything but it was implied something was going on. He was full of himself.’
Speaking from her home near Lake Como in Italy, Ms Colombo denied going to Mr Bolton’s flat and said although they met a second time for a coffee, there was no romance.
‘He had to go to Maidstone for a radio interview, and he said “If you want to come, you can come”,’ she said. ‘Since I know men, I said it is better if I don’t go along. I know men can come to me and maybe they want something else.’ Mr Bolton last night denied Mr Jones’s claims. His spokesman said he met Ms Colombo twice in Folkestone but added: ‘There was no affair.’