UN chief condemns North Korea missile test, crisis talks next week

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres listens to translations during a joint conference with Palestinian prime minister in the West Bank city of Ramallah, on August 29, 2017

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Friday condemned North Korea’s latest missile test, and said talks on the crisis would be held on the sidelines of the General Assembly meeting next week.

Guterres called on the North Korean leadership “to cease further testing, comply with the relevant Security Council resolutions, and allow space to explore the resumption of sincere dialogue on denuclearization,” read a statement by his spokesman.

The UN leader “condemns the launch” and said he will be discussing the situation “with all concerned parties in the margins of the upcoming high level week of the United Nations General Assembly.”

North Korea fired a ballistic missile over Japan and into the Pacific on Friday, responding to new UN sanctions with what appeared to be its furthest-ever missile flight amid high tensions over its weapons program.

Seoul’s defense ministry said the missile probably traveled around 3,700 kilometers (2,300 miles) and reached a maximum altitude of 770 kilometers.

The launch, from near Pyongyang, came after the UN Security Council imposed an eighth set of sanctions on the isolated regime following its sixth nuclear test earlier this month.

The UN Security Council called an emergency meeting for later Friday.

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