Unbelievable act cop Beau Lamarre-Condon did a day after allegedly shooting dead Channel 10 presenter Jesse Baird and Luke Davies – as police make a grim discovery in search for missing bodies

Alleged killer cop Beau Lamarre-Condon is believed to have gone into surgery hours after he is accused of gunning down TV presenter Jesse Baird and his flight attendant lover Luke Davies.

The revelation comes as police reveal they are now searching for the bpodies of the two men in a new location in the Royal National Park, south of Sydney.

The celebrity chaser-turned-police officer is said to have been booked in for an operation on his stomach last Tuesday, 24 hours after Mr Baird, 26, and Mr Davies, 29, were allegedly killed.

A timeline outlined by NSW Police deputy commissioner David Hudson yesterday  allege Lamarre-Condon, 28, shot the lovers at Mr Baird’s home in Paddington, in Sydney’s east, at 9.50am last Monday.

Lamarre-Condon is alleged to have hired a white Toyota HiAce van from Sydney Airport before returning to the $3million rented terrace home to collect their bodies on Monday night when the van was caught outside the home on CCTV.

On Tuesday, police allege the cop made ‘partial admissions’ about the killings to an acquaintance, but the alarm was only raised on Wednesday after the couple’s bloodied clothes and possessions were found in a skip in Cronulla in Sydney’s south.

Lamarre-Condon is believed to have gone into hospital for day surgery last Tuesday – a day after the alleged shooting, 2GB reported. 

The revelation comes after police revealed blood had been discovered in bushland as the search continues for the bodies of Mr Baird and Mr Davies.

Police believe alleged killer cop Beau Lamarre-Condon went in for surgery hours after he is accused of gunning down TV presenter Jesse Baird and his flight attendant lover Luke Davies

Beaul Lamarre-Condon is said to have been booked in for an operation on his stomach last Tuesday, 24 hours after Jesse Baird, 26, and Mr Davies, 29, were allegedly killed

Beaul Lamarre-Condon is said to have been booked in for an operation on his stomach last Tuesday, 24 hours after Jesse Baird, 26, and Mr Davies, 29, were allegedly killed

Police allege Beau Lamarre-Condon, 28, shot the lovers at 9.50am on Monday at Jesse Baird's home in Paddington in Sydney 's east

Police allege Beau Lamarre-Condon, 28, shot the lovers at 9.50am on Monday at Jesse Baird’s home in Paddington in Sydney ‘s east

The day after the surgery, Lamarre-Condon is alleged to have driven the van 180km south of Sydney to Bungonia with a female acquaintance to a remote property in an apparent bid to dispose of the bodies at one of several dams.

He is alleged to have bought and used an angle driver to cut through a padlock to access the property while the acquaintance was left standing for 30 minutes.

He later drove back to Sydney and is alleged to have bought weights from a department store in Sydney at 11pm on Wednesday before returning alone to Bungonia again.

Police have not specified which department store is open at that time of night on a Wednesday.

The van is alleged to have left the Bungonia area around 4.30am on Thursday in a possible attempt to move the bodies to a new location, say police.

‘We believe that it is possible the accused, in that gap in the timeline, has returned to that property and retrieved the bodies and disposed of them somewhere else,’ said Mr Hudson.

‘We are still working through that theory and we are obviously commencing and have undertaken significant inquiries in relation to that.’

Lamarre-Condon is alleged to have bought and used an angle driver to cut through a padlock to access the property while the acquaintance was left standing for 30 minutes

Lamarre-Condon is alleged to have bought and used an angle driver to cut through a padlock to access the property while the acquaintance was left standing for 30 minutes

NSW Police deputy commissioner David Hudson revealed key gaps in the timeline of Beau Lamarre-Condon's movements

NSW Police deputy commissioner David Hudson revealed key gaps in the timeline of Beau Lamarre-Condon’s movements 

Beau Lamarre-Condon's rented Toyota HiAce van was found in Grays Point in Sydney's south on Friday morning after he handed himself into police

Beau Lamarre-Condon’s rented Toyota HiAce van was found in Grays Point in Sydney’s south on Friday morning after he handed himself into police

Beau Lamarre-Condon (pictured in handcuffs) handed himself into police at Bondi police station at 10.39am on Friday

Beau Lamarre-Condon (pictured in handcuffs) handed himself into police at Bondi police station at 10.39am on Friday

Lamarre-Condon then allegedly drove the van to Newcastle, 165km north of Sydney, arriving around 8.30pm at the home of police constable pal Renee Fortuna where he allegedly borrowed a hose to clean the vehicle.

He is alleged to have then driven back to Sydney to his uncle Brian Lamarre’s home in Grays Point in Sydney’s south before dawn on Friday morning and later handing himself in at Bondi police station at 10.39am.

He was later charged with the murder of the two missing men.

Beau Lamarre-Condon allegedly drove the van to Newcastle, 165km north of Sydney, arriving around 8.30pm at the home of police constable pal Renee Fortuna (pictured) where he allegedly borrowed a hose to clean the vehicle

Beau Lamarre-Condon allegedly drove the van to Newcastle, 165km north of Sydney, arriving around 8.30pm at the home of police constable pal Renee Fortuna (pictured) where he allegedly borrowed a hose to clean the vehicle

Police revealed on Tuesday blood had been found at Grays Point Oval, in Sydney’s south, as the search continues for the bodies of the missing pair.

The blood was spotted by a passerby and police immediately closed off the area.

Police believe the blood may have come from deer culling in the area overnight, news.com.au reported. 

On Monday night, a close friend of Jesse Baird dismissed suggestions Lamarre-Condon was a former lover of the Studio 10 roving reporter.

‘Jesse briefly had an encounter with Beau. He was not his ex-boyfriend,’ TV producer Isaac Muller told the ABC’s 7.30 show.

‘They were never going out.’

Corey-Dean Thorpe, a good friend of Mr Baird’s who was previously in a relationship with him for five years, told Daily Mail Australia, confirmed rumours of Mr Baird and Lamarre-Condon beign lovers was not true.

He said Lamarre-Condon had feelings for Mr Baird that were not reciprocated, and that Baird was eventually forced to end their friendship when the serving NSW Police officer posted videos on Instagram falsely suggesting they were a couple.

Last November, Mr Thorpe even assisted Mr Baird in drafting a text message to Lamarre-Condon telling the senior constable he had overstepped the boundaries of their friendship and they should no longer see each other.

The text concluded: ‘I would appreciate it if you could refrain from contacting me.’

Channel 10 news anchor Hugh Riminton said Mr Baird was relishing the new relationship with Mr Davies, who had only moved to Sydney from Brisbane four months ago.

‘He’d found this new love and he’d told so many of my colleagues of his delight in finding Luke,’ said Riminton.

Police say they are now focused on finding the bodies of the missing men.

‘No one has led us to the body, so it’s really time consuming,’ NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb told Nine’s Today show on Tuesday.

‘There is a law – no parole, no body…We really need to find Jesse and Luke. 

‘Detectives are going through every single piece of evidence, taking a new evidence and really leaving no stone unturned to try and locate Jessie and Luke.’



9.50am: Gunshots heard in Paddington but not reported to police

9.54am: Triple-0 call made from Jesse Baird’s phone but it disconnected

He rents a white Toyota HiAce van


Constable Beau Lamarre-Condon makes partial admissions about his role in the deaths of Mr Baird and Mr Davies to a former police officer


11am: Bloodied belongings of Mr Davies and Mr Baird found in skip bin in Cronulla

Around midday, Constable Lamarre-Condon heads south of Sydney to the Southern Tablelands area with a female acquaintance

He stops at a store in Goulburn and buys an angle grinder and a padlock

He then buys weights and torches

He leaves the acquaintance at the gate of a rural property while he drives off for about 30 minutes


4.30am Constable Lamarre-Condon leaves the Bungonia area and heads to Newcastle where he uses a hose to clean the rented HiAce van


5am He leaves Newcastle and drives to Grays Point, in the city’s south

10.39am Constable Lamarre-Condon hands himself into police

2pm: He is charged with two counts of murder and refuses to cooperate with police

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk