Uncle of ‘Lotto lout’ Michael Carroll shot his wife in the head

Michael Carroll won his lottery jackpot while wearing an electronic tag – and withing eight years had spent to lot

 As soon as Michael Carroll won £9.7million on the National Lottery in 2002 he  immediately set about spending it and was bankrupt and on benefits by 2010.

He gave £4m to friends and family, bought a mansion in Swaffham, Norfolk, and splashed out on racing cars.

He admits wasting millions on cocaine, drink, gambling and prostitutes, all washed down with two bottles of vodka a day. 

Carroll, who has a string of criminal convictions, was even wearing an electronic tag when he scooped his winnings 14 years ago.

He frittered away almost his entire fortune on wild parties, cocaine, prostitutes, luxury cars, chunky gold jewellery and hand-outs to relatives and hangers-on. 

Soon after he became a millionaire Carroll made the lives of neighbours a misery by buying a three acre field to stage demolition derbies in old banger cars behind his former home in Swaffham, Norfolk.

The field was left littered with the remains of dozens of his crashed and burned out cars.

Michael Carroll had a string of convictions before his big win

Carroll has had a number of brushes with the law

Carroll had a string on convictions before his big win – and had more brushes with the law afterwards

At one stage his antics became so bad that council officials set up a hotline for neighbours to report disturbances he was involved in.

The self-styled King of Chavs was finally forced to sell his dream home for a £600,000 loss.

He has had a string of court appearances for motoring offences and other crimes since his Lottery win.

Carroll was jailed for five months in 2004 after failing to comply with a drug treatment order imposed as part of a sentence for cocaine possession.

He was also given an Asbo in 2005 for catapulting ballbearings at cars and windows from his Mercedes.

Divorced from his wife, Sandra, the man dubbed the 'lotto lout' moved north to Scotland to be near his 10-year-old daughter, Brooke

Divorced from his wife, Sandra, the man dubbed the ‘lotto lout’ moved north to Scotland to be near his 10-year-old daughter, Brooke

Carroll then vowed to turn over a new leaf – but in February 2006 he was jailed for nine months for running amok with a baseball bat at a Christian rock concert.

He was given a 16-week prison sentence, suspended for a year and 10 hours unpaid work for drink-driving after he was caught driving while nearly four-times the drink-drive limit. 

With the money gone Carroll started working as a part time painter after being told he could not get back his old £200-a-week job as a dustman. 

After a spell sleeping rough in a forest he took a £200-a-week job in a biscuit factory. 

The self-styled King of Chavs was finally forced to sell his dream home for a £600,000 loss after trashing it (pictured)

The self-styled King of Chavs was finally forced to sell his dream home for a £600,000 loss after trashing it (pictured)

Carroll has swapped high rock star lifestyle for a hairnet and white overalls to turn out tartan tins of shortbread at the Walkers factory in Elgin, Morayshire.

Divorced from his wife, Sandra, the man dubbed the ‘lotto lout’ has now had to move north to Scotland to be near his 10-year-old daughter, Brooke.

And at one stage he was so broke he was forced to sleep rough in a forest while looking for work.

But despite the wasted money, the stints behind bars and the broken marriage, Carroll, says he is happier now.

He said in 2013: ‘I moved to Scotland to be closer to Brooke and to get out of my drinking – friends said the drink and drugs would have killed me within six months and I’ve been clean of drugs for over two years.

‘I’d had 10 years of doing what a rock star does and I had to sort myself out so I decided to head up to Scotland and it’s great – I love it up here.

‘In Norfolk I crashed on a mate’s sofa but I’ve got a two-bedroom council flat just outside Elgin so I’m well sorted.’ 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk