Under the microscope: Countdown host and former Apprentice star Nick Hewer

Under the microscope: Countdown host and former Apprentice star Nick Hewer, 77, answers our health quiz

Countdown host and former Apprentice star Nick Hewer, 77, answers our health quiz…

Can you run up the stairs?

I’m not as fit as I should be. I have an exercise bicycle and I sling my iPad over the handlebars and watch movies and documentaries while I cycle, otherwise I would get bored to death. I also take Molly, our puppy, out for walks.

Get your five a day?

I have a couple of bananas a day and I like tangerines. One of the great dividends of lockdown is that my partner, Catherine, has taken a keen interest in matters culinary and is cooking the most fabulous meals.

Any vices?

I used to smoke around 20 a day but gave up 21 years ago. I’ve discovered the joy of cooked breakfasts, because during lockdown I’ve had bacon sent to me by a firm in Telford, plus I have lots of eggs to dispose of because I keep chickens. However, I’ve got to pack it in because my cholesterol is creeping up a bit. I also have a glass of wine with dinner.

Countdown host and former Apprentice star Nick Hewer, 77, answers our health quiz…

Ever dieted?

I was 11 st (he’s 5 ft 9in) until my 30s or 40s. I’ve lost a bit of weight over the past year and am now 12 st 4 lb, although I don’t take too much notice of it.

Family ailments?

My family was prone to appendicitis. We all had our appendix whipped out — mine was when I was about 20 as a precaution. My father had his removed while on holiday in France. His brother died of peritonitis following a burst appendix, and my sister had peritonitis, too.

Ever have cosmetic surgery?

Clearly not, no.

Worst illness/or accident?

Ten years ago or so, I was in Rwanda filming for a children’s charity and I thought my eyesight was a bit weird. I went to the doctor and discovered I had blown a vein behind the retina in my right eye. I can still see for miles, but looking closely at numbers is a problem in one eye.

Mr Hewer revealed his fear of 'creepy-crawly things'

Mr Hewer revealed his fear of ‘creepy-crawly things’

Pop any pills?

When I gave up smoking I put on a bit of weight and acid reflux became a daily visitor. I take omeprazole [to reduce acid production] which is brilliant. I also take hypertension tablets and a statin.

Ever been depressed?

I veer towards pessimism, but I also believe that everything is possible and I’ve been very lucky.

What keeps you awake at night?

I get to bed around midnight. I am not sleeping very well during this lockdown . . . like everyone else.

Any phobias?

I’m A Celebrity — I would be appalled at the thought of being smothered in creepy-crawly things.

Like to live forever?

No. As someone once said, old age is not for the faint-hearted.

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