University of Connecticut student was run over by vehicle

Jeffny Pally, 19, died on October 16, 2016 after she was run over by a campus fire vehicle driven by firefighter Dana Barrow

Video released for the first time shows the tragic moment a University of Connecticut student was run over by a campus firefighter on his way to a false fire alarm.

The incident in the early hours of October 16, 2016 resulted in the death of 19-year-old Jeffny Pally.

The video shows the Chevrolet Tahoe being driven by firefighter Dana Barrow come to a stop, which was not a detail mentioned in the original police report of the incident, reports the Hartford Courant.

The official police report stated that Barrow ‘felt a bump, but kept driving to the call, figuring he would check when he got back’.

But the video shows the vehicle come to a stop right outside the garage, where Pally had fallen. It then shows the vehicle drive away.

Pally had been out drinking with friends the night of her death and had a BAC of .25. On the way back to her dorm room with another friend, she inexplicably left the friend and made her way towards the campus public safety complex in Storrs, Connecticut.

Pictured is a blurred image of Pally leaning against the bay door at the University of Connecticut's campus safety building. The door is about to be opened by Dana Barrow, and he is about to drive the Chevrolet Tahoe pictured inside to an alleged campus dormitory fire that in fact was students playing around with a fire extinguisher

Pictured is a blurred image of Pally leaning against the bay door at the University of Connecticut’s campus safety building. The door is about to be opened by Dana Barrow, and he is about to drive the Chevrolet Tahoe pictured inside to an alleged campus dormitory fire that in fact was students playing around with a fire extinguisher

The video originally obtained by the Hartford Courant shows the vehicle exiting through the door and in the process running over Pally, who had fallen after the opening of the door 

The video originally obtained by the Hartford Courant shows the vehicle exiting through the door and in the process running over Pally, who had fallen after the opening of the door 

She was sitting on the ground with her back against the complex’s bay door when the fire department got an emergency call at around 1.15am on the morning of October 16, 2016.

The door was opened by Barrow, who was working the night shift.

Pally, of West Hartford, then fell and the fire department vehicle driven by Barrow ran over her.

Barrow told investigators that he thought that what he had run over was a piece of equipment left outside. He added that he did not stop because he thought he was en route to an actual fire.

In fact, students had stolen a fire extinguisher and were playing with it, which triggered dormitory fire alarms.

After realizing there was no fire, Barrow returned to the campus safety building. At this point, he realized that he had run over a human.

He proceeded to call the authorities, who promptly arrived at the scene and attempted life-saving efforts for 16 minutes. But she was pronounced dead later in the morning.

Barrow, investigators who researched the case had concluded, was ‘not knowingly involved in a motor vehicle collision’. Law enforcement officers reconstructed the event so as to determine whether or not Barrow could have possibly seen Pally. They determined that he could not.

And a state attorney told the Hartford Courant that the video does corroborate Barrow’s version of events.

But Pally’s family is filing a civil lawsuit against both Barrow and the University of Connecticut. Barrow retired from the safety department six months after the incident.

Their attorney, Michael Walsh, told the Hartford Courant: ‘It’s no defense to say, “I thought I just ran over an equipment bag.”‘

Pally died later that morning, after authorities tried for 16 minutes to revive her. Barrow told authorities that he thought he had run over a piece of fire equipment and added that he planned to investigate after he returned from what he thought was going to be a dormitory fire

Pally died later that morning, after authorities tried for 16 minutes to revive her. Barrow told authorities that he thought he had run over a piece of fire equipment and added that he planned to investigate after he returned from what he thought was going to be a dormitory fire

Law enforcement concluded that Barrow was 'not knowingly involved in a motor vehicle collision'. Pally's family is filing a civil suit against both Barrow and the University of Connecticut

Law enforcement concluded that Barrow was ‘not knowingly involved in a motor vehicle collision’. Pally’s family is filing a civil suit against both Barrow and the University of Connecticut

Pictured is the University of Connecticut's campus safety building, where the incident took place

Pictured is the University of Connecticut’s campus safety building, where the incident took place

Pally was a member of Delta Gamma and was involved in campus social justice efforts and community outreach.

Both Delta Gamma and Kappa Sigma, which had thrown an off-campus party that Pally had attended on the night of her death, were suspended by the University of Connecticut in March.

Pictured is Dana Barrow. He retired six months after the incident

Pictured is Dana Barrow. He retired six months after the incident

Six fraternity members were charged in connection to her death. Kappa Sigma was expelled indefinitely and had no chance to reorganize on campus.

Two additional students were charged in connection with the false alarm. 

‘The tragic death of a new member greatly affected Delta Gamma Fraternity and caused Council to reflect on the member experience at Epsilon Pi,’ Delta Gamma President Stacia Rudge Skoog said.

‘The decision to close a chapter is never easy, but Council strongly feels it is in the best interest of the chapter and University of Connecticut community,’ she continued. 

UConn President Susan Herbst said in a statement at the time of Pally’s death: ‘Every student is precious to us, and this is a heartbreaking and tragic loss.

‘Our deepest sympathies go out to her family, friends, and all those whose lives she touched. We know that words cannot begin to express their grief.’