The ‘unknown Confederate soldiers’ is being erected next to the Dry Creek RV Park located about 50 miles south of Montgomery in Crenshaw County, Alabama on August 27. Pictured is another Confederate statue in Alabama
As cities across the country take down statues of Confederate generals, a group in Alabama is preparing to erect a new monument to the Civil War near a RV park.
The ‘unknown Confederate soldiers’ is being erected next to the Dry Creek RV Park located about 50 miles south of Montgomery in Crenshaw County, Alabama on August 27.
‘The public’s invited. Anyone who wants to can come to celebrate the unveiling of another monument to Confederate soldiers,’ said Jimmy Hill, commander of the Alabama division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, to
There will be a public ceremony to unveil the monument at 2pm on that day.
While the memorial is located on private land it is owned by David Coggins – who is a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and operates the RV park – and will be open to the public.
According to Sons of Confederate Veterans’ Jimmy Hill, the date of the unveiling was scheduled five months ago even though it was just advertised on Sunday
While the memorial is located on private land owned by David Coggins – who is a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and operates the RV park – it is open to the public
‘He’s putting it up [to memorialize] soldiers who came out of Crenshaw County or surrounding counties who never came home,’ Hill said of the memorial dedicated in 2015.
‘He had the marker made over in Georgia for the unknown Confederate soldiers. It won’t be as elaborate as the unknown soldier’s tomb in Arlington.’
According to Hill, the date of the unveiling was scheduled five months ago even though he just put up an event on the website of the Alabama division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans on Sunday.
Little is known about the physical description of the monument, but Hill said it was partially installed. The park features cannons, lights, markers, a monument to a Confederate unit from Crenshaw County and a flag pole that flies the Confederate flag
He asserts that it is merely coincidence that the event is planned for two weeks after violent protest erupted in Charlottesville, Virginia between white nationalist and minority civil right groups.
Little is known about the physical description of the monument, but Hill said it was partially installed.
The park already features cannons, lights, markers, a monument to a Confederate unit from Crenshaw County and a flag pole that flies the Confederate flag – which the group filmed putting up on YouTube.
‘Everything is lit up at night and [Goggins] keeps adding stuff to it. Eventually, he wants to do a reenactment of a battle – a skirmish – that happened there in Crenshaw County,’ Hill said.
‘It’s been a dream for him to make the park better and better.’