Upper Coomera, Gold Coast: High school student hailed a hero after rescuing a woman suffering severe facial injuries from a dog attack

A teenager hailed a hero for helping a woman who was being viciously attacked by a savage dog has admitted being ‘scared to death’ when she stepped in to help. 

Schoolgirl Indianna Seiler, 14, saw the woman in her 50s being mauled at a park in Upper Coomera on the Gold Coast on Monday and rushed to help. 

The victim suffered serious facial injuries, but Indianna was able to use her jacket to try to stop the bleeding, while also trying to reassure the distressed woman.

‘After I saw there were no adults around I tried helping as best I could,’ the high school student told 7News.

Schoolgirl Indianna Seiler (pictured) has been hailed a hero for helping a woman who was being viciously attacked by a savage dog, and said she was ‘scared to death’ when she stepped in to help

Indianna, 14, saw the woman in her 50s being mauled at a park (pictured) in Upper Coomera on the Gold Coast on Monday and rushed to help

Indianna, 14, saw the woman in her 50s being mauled at a park (pictured) in Upper Coomera on the Gold Coast on Monday and rushed to help

Other pupils used their school bags to keep the dog at bay while Indianna called triple-0 for help.

‘In the moment I didn’t feel brave, I was scared to death,’ she said.

Her mum, Monique Coonan, said Indianna was ‘covered in blood’ but had potentially helped save the woman’s life.

‘The nurse did say if Indi didn’t do what she did, and apply the pressure that she did as quickly as she did, that woman might not have been in the position she was,’ Ms Coonan said.

The woman was taken to Gold Coast University Hospital in a stable condition, Queensland Ambulance Service said.

Gold Coast Council is investigating what happened and said the dog has been impounded.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk