UPVC Door Colour Ideas and Options

If you’re looking for a new door, the options can seem endless. But that’s a good thing, in reality, because it means that you can have the opportunity to put your mark on your home and choose the door that fits your personality, and the rest of your decor, the best.

UPVC doors can give you a huge amount of flexibility with your colour choices so you should have no problem finding the perfect door for you. There are some really good companies in the Glasgow area that can help to take you through the different options if you’re stuck.

Benefits of UPVC doors

UPVC doors Glasgow are probably the most popular door choice at the moment, and with good reason. A UPVC door offers a wide range of benefits over and above other door materials.

These can include:

  • better soundproofing
  • more insulation
  • more energy efficient
  • better security
  • more durability
  • less maintenance
  • better fire safety

Colour options for UPVC doors

The world really is your oyster when it comes to choosing the colour of your door. UPVC doors can come in any colour you like, although some companies do hold a more restricted range of colours. The classic and most common colour you will see is white, but more and more people are moving away from white and towards a more individual colour for their door.

1) Go bold: Your front door is a statement and it is the very first thing that people see when they visit your home. So choosing a bright and bold colour can give your home a splash of personality, and can make it easier to find if you have guests that are likely to get lost! Primary colours like red, blue, or yellow are a popular bright choice and they really will catch people’s eye.

2) Go elegant: If you don’t want your door statement to be too loud, you could choose a more muted and elegant colour. This gives you the individuality that you want while also keeping it classy. So think muted purples and pinks, greys, beige, or green.

3) Go dark: If you really want your door to scream sophisticated, then choosing a darker colour can make your door look unique and expensive. This doesn’t have to mean black (although it can do). You could also opt for dark blue, dark brown, or dark grey.

4) Go two-tone: Some companies offer the ability to choose a two-tone door where the outside is a different colour from the inside. This means that you can choose an interior colour that matches your home decor, while still having a different outdoor colour.

5) Go for the grain: If you want the benefits of a UPVC door but you prefer the look of a wooden door, don’t despair. You can actually choose a wood-effect colour for your UPVC door that will look just like the real thing, with a choice of wood styles and colours.

The bottom line

UPVC doors are a great option for many people, but choosing a UPVC door doesn’t mean that you have to choose white. There are a wide range of colours by Selecta Glasgow for you to choose from that will really make your door pop and reflect your style.