US Air Force jet declares emergency over Scotland

A US refuelling jet has diverted to Scotland after declaring an emergency over the Atlantic Ocean. 

The four-engine Boeing KC-135R jet reported a problem off the west coast of Scotland and diverted to Glasgow Prestwick airport. 

The jet landed safely shortly after 8am. 

The KC-135R jet, declared an emergency while off the west coast of Scotland, file photo

Several KC-135s are based at RAF Mildenhall although other jets regularly cross the Atlantic 

Several KC-135s are based at RAF Mildenhall although other jets regularly cross the Atlantic 

According to flight tracking radar, the aircraft declared an emergency at 26,202 feet near the isles of Jura and Mull. 

It is not yet known what the cause of this morning’s emergency was. 

The KC-135R is used to refuel other military jets, especially fighters sent to monitor Russian nuclear capable bombers flying towards Nato areas of interest.