US biker slides along road after falling off attempting stunt

  • The motorbike rider seemed very confident as he performed a brazen wheelie
  • However, it all went wrong as his bike tilted backwards and he crashed painfully
  • Despite the heavy fall, he wasn’t seriously hurt – and managed to walk it off after

A brazen motorcyclist has been caught on camera attempting to perform a stunt – before it painfully backfires on him.

He was out on a busy stretch of road, which appears to be in the US, when he decided to carry out a wheelie.

At first it appeared to be going well but then the bike tilted backwards and the rider crashed to the ground.

It looked as though he had turned the throttle a little too hard, leading to the smash. 

The rider was left sprawled and bounced along the road after the motorcycle. 

Fortunately he was not seriously injured and managed to walk it off.

A motorcyclist has been caught on camera attempting to perform a stunt on a busy road – before it painfully backfires on the rider

However the bike may have been impacted in the crash as it is seen lying in the grass.

The incident was captured on camera by another rider, who had been travelling behind him.
