US has secret evidence of UFOs breaking sound barrier without a sonic boom

The U.S. has evidence of UFOs breaking the sound barrier without a sonic boom and making maneuvers impossible with known technology, the former Director of National Intelligence has revealed.

The revelations increased excitement about a forthcoming report detailing what the U.S. government has observed.

John Ratcliffe, who served as Donald Trump’s Director of National Intelligence, said that many of the incidents still have no easy explanation.

‘There are a lot more sightings than have been made public,’ Ratcliffe told Fox News.  

‘Some of those have been declassified.

‘And when we talk about sightings, we are talking about objects that have seen by Navy or Air Force pilots, or have been picked up by satellite imagery that frankly engage in actions that are difficult to explain. 

‘Movements that are hard to replicate that we don’t have the technology for. Or traveling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom.’ 

John Ratcliffe appeared on Fox News on Friday to discuss the forthcoming report

Ratcliiffe said that there had been more UFO sightings than the public previously knew

Ratcliiffe said that there had been more UFO sightings than the public previously knew

Navy pilots recorded seeing unexplained objects spinning in mid air, in the summer of 2014

Navy pilots recorded seeing unexplained objects spinning in mid air, in the summer of 2014

Ratcliffe told host Maria Bartiromo that the sightings of ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’ had been observed all around the world.

‘When we talk about sightings, the other thing I will tell you is, it’s not just a pilot or just a satellite, or some intelligence collection,’ Ratcliffe said.

‘Usually we have multiple sensors that are picking up these things, and some of these are unexplained phenomenon, and there is actually quite a few more than have been made public.’

The government was, in December, given a 180-day deadline to disclose what it knew, meaning that the report should be out before June 1.

Ratcliffe said he had hoped to publish their findings before he left office on January 20.

‘We weren’t able to get it down into an unclassified format quickly enough,’ he said.

The report was part of a $2.3 trillion COVID relief bill, which Trump signed into law in December.

The bill contained the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 that had in it a ‘committee comment’ section that addressed ‘unidentified aerial phenomena.’ 

The report, produced by the Pentagon and the intelligence agencies, must identify, among other things, any threats posed by unidentified aerial phenomena and whether they may be attributed to foreign adversaries.

‘Weather can cause disturbances, visual disturbances,’ Ratcliffe said.

‘Sometimes we wonder whether or not our adversaries have technologies that are a little bit further down the road than we thought or than we realized.

‘But there are instances where we don’t have good explanations for some of the things that we have seen.’

Avril Haines is now the Director of National Intelligence in the Biden administration.

The Defense Department announced in September the creation of an Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force on August 4.

Videos from the Navy were released last year through the Freedom of Information Act that showed UFOs moving at incredible speeds and performing seemingly impossible aerial maneuvers.

One of the videos was shot in November 2004; the other two were shot in January 2015. The three videos were code-named ‘FLIR1,’ ‘Gimbal,’ and ‘GoFast.’

In the 2015 videos, Navy pilots can be heard expressing disbelief. All three UFO videos were captured by Navy F/A-18 Super Hornets.

The videos were made public and published because of efforts by the New York Times, as well as through efforts by To The Stars Academy, which was founded by Tom Delonge, the founder and lead vocalist for the bands Blink-182 and Angels & Airwaves.

Ratcliffe said it would be ‘healthy’ for as much of this information as possible to be made public.

A week before Ratcliffe stepped down, in January, the CIA released a treasure trove of newly-unsealed records.

They showed chilling accounts of hundreds of UFO sightings across the globe dating back to the 1950s – along with the international intelligence community’s efforts to understand them. 

A dossier with nearly 3,000 pages of documents about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) – the government’s official term for what are commonly called UFOs – was published on The Black Vault website.  

Thousands of paranormal enthusiasts pored through the collection of more than 700 individual documents, according to Black Vault’s founder John Greenewald Jr, who has spent the past two decades suing the CIA to release the records and then scanning the pages into his database one by one.  

The CIA purports that the files account for its ‘entire’ collection of declassified UAP intel, but Greenewald cautions that there’s no way to verify that claim and has vowed to continue searching for further records.  

The documents also show correspondence about UFO sightings between CIA officers and members of the military. 

Sometimes the officials brush off observers’ stories as purely superstitious, even when another explanation isn’t clear. But in other instances the officers show genuine concern that perhaps something dangerous is at play. 

Pictured: A photo from the Project Blue Book archive shows lights misidentified as a group of UFOs over a Coast Guard air station in Salem, Massachusetts in 1952

Pictured: A photo from the Project Blue Book archive shows lights misidentified as a group of UFOs over a Coast Guard air station in Salem, Massachusetts in 1952

In December it emerged that two Pentagon reports had been produced, providing detailed classified information about strange sightings.

The DoD’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force issued the two classified intelligence ‘position reports’ in 2018 and summer 2020, and they circulated widely in the U.S. intelligence community, according to a detailed account from The Debrief based on interviews with multiple intelligence sources.

The position reports’ startling contents included a leaked photo that has never before been made public, accounts of ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena’ (UAP) emerging from the ocean and soaring through the sky, and an admission that extraterrestrial origins for the objects cannot be ruled out.

This leaked photo, published by The Debrief in December, was included in the 2018 position report, two DoD and one intelligence source told the outlet

This leaked photo, published by The Debrief in December, was included in the 2018 position report, two DoD and one intelligence source told the outlet

The photo was previously described as depicting an 'unidentified silver 'cube-shaped' object' hovering over the ocean at an altitude of roughly 30,000 to 35,000

The photo was previously described as depicting an ‘unidentified silver ‘cube-shaped’ object’ hovering over the ocean at an altitude of roughly 30,000 to 35,000

The leaked photo was was captured in 2018 off the East Coast of the United States by a military pilot using his cell phone camera, the sources said.

The photo was previously described as depicting an ‘unidentified silver ‘cube-shaped’ object’ hovering over the ocean at an altitude of roughly 30,000 to 35,000. 

It appears that the image was captured by the backseat weapons systems operator of what appears to be an F/A-18 fighter jet. 

Experts were baffled by the photo, but noted that the object somewhat resembles a GPS dropsonde, an atmospheric profiling device designed to be dropped from aircraft, typically over a hurricane. 

‘These revelations are extraordinary, and give the public a genuine peek behind the curtain when it comes to how the US government is handling the UFO issue,’ Nick Pope, who investigated UFOs for the UK Ministry of Defence, told

‘What this new information does is confirm that the US government is taking the UFO phenomenon more seriously than ever before,’ he added. ‘I anticipate further revelations shortly.’

The Pentagon has not confirmed the existence of the two position reports, as well as the authenticity of a leaked cockpit photo included in one of the reports. 

Even more shocking were the revelations contained in a second, revised report issued by the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force in early 2020.

The report delved deeply into the possibility that UAP are able to freely move both through the air and underwater, zipping through the ocean undetected and emerging into the air at incredible speeds.

The report contained an ‘extremely clear’ photograph of an unidentifiable triangular aircraft that emerged from the ocean in front of a F/A-18 Hornet fighter pilot, sources told The Debrief.

An artist's recreation (above) shows the image in the 2020 report as described by sources: a large equilateral triangle with rounded edges and large, spherical white 'lights' in each corner

An artist’s recreation (above) shows the image in the 2020 report as described by sources: a large equilateral triangle with rounded edges and large, spherical white ‘lights’ in each corner

Researcher Dave Beaty created this image to depict the object as described by sources who had seen the report from the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force

Researcher Dave Beaty created this image to depict the object as described by sources who had seen the report from the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force

That photo has not been leaked publicly, but artist and researcher Dave Beaty‘s recreation shows it as described by sources: a large equilateral triangle with rounded or ‘blunted’ edges and large, perfectly spherical white ‘lights’ in each corner.

The encounter occurred off the East Coast in 2019, according to officials who had seen the latest report. 

Two officials said said the photo was taken after the triangular craft emerged from the ocean and shot straight upwards.

Officials say the latest report focused specifically on the possibility of ‘transmedium’ craft that are able to operate both underwater and in the air.

‘Tic Tac’ UFO: US Navy pilot made visual contact with the object on November 14, 2004

At least six Super Hornet pilots made visual or instrument contact with the UFO on November 14, 2004.

The encounters, which are documented in numerous interviews with first-hand witnesses, remain a mystery, and the object’s incredible speed and movements have led to speculation that it was extraterrestrial in origin.

The original FLIR video from the USS Nimitz encounters leaked online as early as 2007.

Witnesses say that clips of the video had been circulated widely on the Navy’s intranet – used to communicate between ships in the carrier group – and an unknown sailor in the group likely first leaked it.

The clip became one of the most-touted pieces of evidence in the UFO community when the Pentagon confirmed its authenticity in 2017.

In January, Chad Underwood, the former Navy aviator who shot the famous leaked video clip, broke his silence in an interview with New York Magazine.

Chad Underwood, the former Navy aviator who shot the famous leaked video clip, broke his silence in an interview with New York Magazine in January

Chad Underwood, the former Navy aviator who shot the famous leaked video clip, broke his silence in an interview with New York Magazine in January 

He said the oblong, wingless ‘Tic Tac’ shaped object was spotted off the coast of Mexico over the Pacific.

He also revealed that for about two weeks, the Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser USS Princeton, part of Carrier Strike Group 11, had been tracking mysterious aircraft intermittently on an advanced AN/SPY-1B passive radar.

The radar contacts were so inexplicable that the system was even shut down and restarted to to check for bugs – but operators continued to track the unknown aircraft.

Then on November 14, Commander David Fravor says he was flying in an F/A-18F Super Hornet when he made visual contact with the object, which seemed to dive below the water, resurface, and speed out of sight when he tried to approach it.

As Fravor landed on the deck of the Nimitz, Underwood was just gearing up to take off on his own training run.

Fravor told Underwood about the bizarre encounter, and urged Underwood to keep his eyes open.

He recalls how he suddenly saw a blip on his radar before tracking it on his FLIR camera.

Underwood was flying in an F/A-18F Super Hornet as part of the USS Nimitz (above) carrier group when he encountered an 'unidentified aerial phenomena'

Underwood was flying in an F/A-18F Super Hornet as part of the USS Nimitz (above) carrier group when he encountered an ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’

‘The thing that stood out to me the most was how erratic it was behaving,’ Underwood told the magazine.

‘And what I mean by ‘erratic’ is that its changes in altitude, air speed, and aspect were just unlike things that I’ve ever encountered before flying against other air targets.’

Underwood said the object wasn’t obeying the laws of physics and dropped from 50,000 feet altitude to 100 feet in seconds, which he says, ‘isn’t possible’. He added that he saw no signs of an engine heat plume or any sign of propulsion.

The pilot refuses to speculate as to whether the object is an alien spacecraft or not, however.

‘That’s not my job. But I saw something. And it was also seen, via eyeballs, by both my commanding officer, Dave Fravor, and the Marine Corps Hornet squadron commanding officer who was out there as well.’