Everything in the world is evolving at a fast pace, and the health sector is no different. Most health organizations now include telehealth services amongst the many offered. BetterPT is a technology designed to connect patients with healthcare facilities and medical professionals in private practice. It is also a digital platform created to simplify the accessibility and provision off healthcare. You can utilize the platform via a smartphone, iPad, or laptop. The FAIR Health recently conducted a study and reported that there was a 53% increase in the use of telehealth services in the year 2016/17. From that alone, one can see how significant the platform is in scheduling appointments for physical therapy. The use of telehealth services keeps growing as days go by, and users seem excited about it. You can click here to learn about telehealth physical therapy.
Scheduling Virtual Therapy Appointments
With everything that’s going on in the world, many activities have stopped taking place due to countrywide lockdowns. Everyone stays indoors to avoid contracting the virus as experts keep on researching the cure. Since you can’t physically visit the physical therapist or clinic, BetterPT has the solution. Through the platform, you can schedule an appointment for virtual therapy programs with the professional you trust. Apart from the programs, you can also schedule an appointment for consultation services.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced healthcare providers to design new ways to reach patients and offer the treatment they need. Healthcare facilities have adapted the telehealth technologies that allow them to care for patients virtually without jeopardizing the health of other patients. That means patients don’t have to move from their homes to get treatment. They can receive healthcare services while social distancing themselves. It comes with plenty of advantages too for both patients and physicians. Patients can receive quality care wherever they are to ensure they don’t contract the COVID-19 virus. Also, the overall accessibility of health services during this time has become much more manageable. Moreover, patients can get timely care from physicians without any schedule disruptions or adjournments.
There are several benefits of using telehealth services enjoyed by both patients and healthcare providers as we wait for redemption from Covid-19. Here are some of the primary benefits of using it;
Easy Accessibility
Due to limited mobility during this tough time of dealing with the world pandemic, we can’t stick to our usual life schedules. But using telehealth services, you can still have physical therapy sessions with virtual assistance from the therapists or physicians. You only need to have either of the following devices; a desktop computer, mobile device, or tablet. The BetterPT platform is available and compatible with the devices mentioned above. With BetterPT in your device, you are only a few clicks away from having an appointment with the physical therapist you want.
Timely Scheduling And Care
The greatest challenge in healthcare provision is catering to patients at the right time. However, that’s not the case with telehealth services; you get it right when you need it. All you have to do is, schedule an appointment with the physical therapist of your choice, and you are done. When the time comes, you’ll receive the best virtual therapy experience. Additionally, you don’t even need to have an app installed or an account created. Just visit the website to schedule the appointment. Aside from that, you get 55-60 minutes prior reminders before the virtual therapy session begins.
HIPAA-Compliant Video Capability
There several HIPAA-compliant telehealth solutions with video conferencing capabilities and the best ones include Doxy.me, TheraNest, thera-LINK, SimplePractice, VSee, Zoom, and GoToMeeting.
Lowers Illness Transmission Rate
The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has led to limited movement. Right now, there is no traveling or physical contact to prevent transmission of the virus. In support of this, the BetterPT telehealth services platform offers virtual therapy sessions to eliminate the transmission of diseases.
Treat Physical Injuries Virtually
You can now treat your injuries from home by applying all the treatment methods designed by your physical therapists. Through video conferencing, you will receive instructions and get a chance to raise whatever concerns you might have with regards to the treatment methods.
Private Sessions
The best way for a physical therapist to design the most effective treatment plan is if the patient expresses how they feel. Some of these patients are more confident and comfortable doing so in private. Telehealth services include private sessions where patients can relax and work well with physical therapists.
There is no need to stop taking physical therapy classes due to everything that’s taking place in the world right now. You can stay home and continue practicing physical therapy treatment while at home. Furthermore, you get to stay in contact with the physical therapist for professional supervision, direction, and advice.