‘Vampire kangaroos’ lived five million years longer

Fanged kangaroos – an extinct family of small fanged Australian kangaroos – may have survived at least five million years longer than previously thought, a study found.

The species may have competed for resources with the ancestors of modern kangaroos, which may have led to the fanged kangaroos’ demise.

Despite the kangaroos’ large canines, the kangaroos were herbivorous – but they may have used their teeth to attract potential mates. 

Fossil skull of Balbaroo fangaroo, a fanged kangaroo from the Riverlseigh World Heritage Area in northwest Queensland. The species may have competed for resources with the ancestors of modern kangaroos, which may have led to the fanged kangaroos’ demise


Researchers at the University of Queensland conducted a study about the evolutionary history of kangaroos. 

A fanged kangaroo family, including the species Balbaroo fangaroo, were about the size of a small wallaby. 

The mew study into the kangaroos, which were previously thought to have become extinct 15 million years ago, found that they persisted to at least 10 million years ago. 

The species may have competed for resources with the ancestors of modern kangaroos, which may have led to the fanged kangaroos’ demise.

The original hypothesis related to events during a change in climate 15 million years ago, but the fanged kangaroos persisted past that time. 

Despite the kangaroos’ large canines, the kangaroos were herbivorous – but they may have used their teeth to attract potential mates. 

The University of Queensland led study into the kangaroos, which were previously thought to have become extinct 15 million years ago, found that they persisted to at least 10 million years ago. 

The fanged kangaroo family, including the species Balbaroo fangaroo, were about the size of a small wallaby. 

University of Queensland PhD student Kaylene Butler said the research involved analyzing Queensland Museum holdings of ancient fossil deposits from the Riversleigh World Heritage Area in northwest Queensland, where kangaroo fossil evidence goes back as far as 25 million years.

‘Fanged kangaroos and the potential ancestors of modern kangaroos are both browsers – meaning they ate leaves – and they scurried, but did not hop,’ Butler said.

‘Northern Queensland was predominantly covered in rainforest when these fanged kangaroos first appear in the fossil record.

‘There is a lot of research to be done before we can be sure what their canine teeth were used for but some have suggested they were used to attract potential mates. 

The research involved analyzing Queensland Museum holdings of ancient fossil deposits from the Riversleigh World Heritage Area (pictured) in northwest Queensland, where kangaroo fossil evidence goes back as far as 25 million years

The research involved analyzing Queensland Museum holdings of ancient fossil deposits from the Riversleigh World Heritage Area (pictured) in northwest Queensland, where kangaroo fossil evidence goes back as far as 25 million years

‘We do know that despite their large canines they were herbivorous (plant eaters).’

The researchers found that the fanged kangaroos increased in body size right up until their extinction, Butler said. 

The research aimed to fill significant gaps in the understanding of kangaroo evolution, and new fossil finds were helping to bring ancient lineages to attention. 

‘Currently 21 macropod species are listed as vulnerable or endangered on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species,’ said Butler.

'Fanged kangaroos and the potential ancestors of modern kangaroos are both browsers ¿ meaning they ate leaves ¿ and they scurried, but did not hop,' said PhD student Kaylene Butler, the lead author of the study into the evolution of kangaroos 

‘Fanged kangaroos and the potential ancestors of modern kangaroos are both browsers – meaning they ate leaves – and they scurried, but did not hop,’ said PhD student Kaylene Butler, the lead author of the study into the evolution of kangaroos 

She said that understanding when and why kangaroos went extinct in the past could help with understanding what drove the extinction of such animals. 

‘Currently, we can only hypothesise as to why balbarids (family of fanged kangaroos) became extinct – the original hypothesis related to events during a change in climate 15 million years ago but the balbarids persisted past that,’ Butler said.

‘This new finding of their persistence until 10 million years ago means something else must have been at play, such as being outcompeted by other species.’

Last year, Butler discovered two new ancient species of kangaroo, Cookeroo bulwidarri and Cookeroo hortusensis.

PhD student Kaylene Butler with a Balbaroo fangaroo model skull made by the UQ library 3D printing service

PhD student Kaylene Butler with a Balbaroo fangaroo model skull made by the UQ library 3D printing service






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