Victim reveals chilling threat of rapist Met cop David Carrick

A former girlfriend of rapist police officer David Carrick has told how he allegedly raped and strangled her before saying: ‘I can kill you without leaving any evidence.’

The armed officer, 48, has admitted to 71 sex attacks on 12 women – including 48 rapes. 

Today, one woman who was interviewed by detectives investigating Carrick but chose not to make a formal complaint, told of her own horrific experience. 

She said the PC used his status to threaten her, restrained her with his police handcuffs, and boasted of being a powerful man who guarded senior politicians. 

David Carrick, 48, has admitted to 71 sex attacks on 12 women – including 48 rapes

Today, one woman who was interviewed by detectives investigating Carrick but chose not to make a formal complaint, told of her own horrific experience

Today, one woman who was interviewed by detectives investigating Carrick but chose not to make a formal complaint, told of her own horrific experience

The woman told the Guardian: ‘Sex became really violent. He wanted me to be the same as a prostitute but I didn’t want to do this kind of stuff. It was weird, crazy stuff…’

The woman accused Carrick of raping her more than once, saying: ‘I would say no and then wake up with him on top of me.’ 

Detailing his controlling behaviour, she said the porn-obsessed officer would track her on Find My Friends and force her to drink his urine. 

The monster also restrained her using his police-issue handcuffs, sometimes tying her wrist to her ankle and leaving her immobile. 

She added that he was a sex-addict and alcoholic who would begin drinking at 7am after returning from work guarding senior MPs, including Boris Johnson. 

Carrick, who colleagues nicknamed ‘Ba***ard Dave’, admitted today to abusing and tortured 12 victims over nearly two decades. 

Carrick appeared in Southwark Crown Court today charged with a string of sex offences

 Carrick appeared in Southwark Crown Court today charged with a string of sex offences 

Women who gave evidence to police recalled how he told them ‘I’m a police officer, you can trust me’ and flashing his warrant card. 

He locked them in a tiny cupboard under the stairs of his Hertfordshire home for 10 hours, controlled what they ate, and cut them off from their family. 

Others described being dragged to the shower by their hair, whipped with belts and being told ‘you’re my slave, you’re a whore’. 

Carrick passed vetting procedures to join the Met in 2001 despite allegations of malicious communications and burglary against an ex-partner the previous year. 

He was accused of harassment and assault against a former partner while still in his probationary period in 2002 but the matter was not referred to the Directorate of Professional Standards. 

Carrick continued to serve while using his position of power as a police officer to violently abuse women until October 2021.

The 48-year-old found some of his victims on dating sites such as Tinder and Badoo before arranging to meet at bars and using his status as a police officer to gain their trust.

The armed officer, 48, has admitted to 71 sex attacks on 12 women - including 48 rapes

The armed officer, 48, has admitted to 71 sex attacks on 12 women – including 48 rapes 

Prosecutors said Carrick would appear ‘fun-loving, charming and charismatic’ but was ‘very manipulative’ and ‘very self-confident almost to the point of being cocky’.

He said, ‘not again’, when he was arrested at his home in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in October 2021 after he was accused of raping a woman he met on Tinder in a Premier Inn in St Albans.

When she arrived at a nearby pub on September 4 2020, Carrick had ordered a bottle of wine and the woman said she felt ‘pressured’ to drink as he had paid for it. 

He told her he was a Met Police firearms officer nicknamed ‘Ba***ard Dave’, showed her his warrant card and boasted of meeting famous people, including Mr Johnson, in the course of his work.

She told police that Carrick called her ‘disgusting’ and referred to himself as a ‘dominant bastard’ while raping her the following morning after she woke up naked in the bath with sick in her hair.

During his first appearance at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on October 4 2021, prosecutor Mark Fleckney said a trawl of his electronic devices revealed searches for ‘rough’ pornography. 

Carrick faced no criminal sanctions or misconduct findings over the incidents between 2000 and 2021 - eight of which involved alleged women victims

Carrick faced no criminal sanctions or misconduct findings over the incidents between 2000 and 2021 – eight of which involved alleged women victims

David Carrick, 47, was a Met Police firearms officer who worked on the Parliamentary estate

The monster was a Met Police firearms officer who worked on the Parliamentary estate

Carrick was suspended from duty following his arrest and remanded in custody as the investigation ‘snowballed’ following the publicity surrounding the case, according to police.

He denied raping the woman and prosecutors said it was not in the public interest to proceed to trial on the charge as he admitted sex attacks on a dozen other women who came forward following the first complaint.

Investigators said they discovered a pattern of behaviour where Carrick used his position as a police officer to gain the trust of his victims, who feared they would not be believed because of his position.

Carrick, who had a pet snake, exerted control by paying for dinner and drinks, so women would feel indebted to him before isolating them from their friends and family members.

He would tell some of his victims they were not allowed to eat, calling them ‘fat and lazy’, while others were ordered to stay in bed all day so they could have sex all night.

Women were locked in an understairs cupboard in Carrick’s home, said by police to be smaller than a dog crate, for hours without food, or made to clean the house naked.

He passed vetting procedures to join the Met in 2001 despite allegations of malicious communications and burglary against an ex-partner the previous year

He passed vetting procedures to join the Met in 2001 despite allegations of malicious communications and burglary against an ex-partner the previous year

Carrick was part of the Met's Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection Command

Carrick was part of the Met’s Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection Command

Carrick urinated over some of his victims and made derogatory comments towards the women, referring to them as his ‘slave’ or a ‘whore’. 

Senior Crown Prosecutor Shilpa Shah told a media briefing: ‘The patterns of behaviour that were similar would be things such as the derogatory comments, calling them things like his slave, and making rude remarks all the time.

‘This was also on the phone evidence – he would message them calling them horrid names, saying things such as you’re my slave, you’re a whore. In the actual offending behaviour there were striking similarities

‘For example, that he would urinate in their mouth. That is something that you wouldn’t make up. He would also force them to give him oral sex to the point that they would be gagging.

‘For a couple of the victims he would say they weren’t allowed to eat today, saying you could eat this much of an apple today. He would call them fat and lazy, and say that’s why you’re not allowed to eat.’

Explaining how Carrick allegedly financially abused his victims, Ms Shah said he would make them feeling indebted to him.

She said: ‘He would be the one to pay for them and would not allow them pay. It would be something along the lines of, you’re not using your own money, you use my money, so they would feel indebted to him.’
