Victoria Covid: State outbreak climbs as dan Andrews prmosies to stick to roadmap out of lockdown

Victoria’s outbreak continues to worsen with 2,179 new Covid cases and six deaths, as Dan Andrews promises to stick to the roadmap out of lockdown. 

The health department on Friday confirmed the figures, which are a slight drop on the record 2297 infections recorded on Thursday. 

There are now 21,324 cases in the state, while the deaths take the toll from the current outbreak to 131.

Some 73,942 tests were processed in the 24 hours to Friday morning and 38,752 COVID-19 vaccine doses were administered at state-run hubs.

Premier Daniel Andrews says the state government will continue to pursue its roadmap to reopening despite the surge in cases. 

A handful of people are seen in the Bourke Street Mall in Melbourne’s CBD

‘We have, fundamentally, a very important agreement with the Victorian community: you get vaccinated and we will open up,’ he said.

Once 70 per cent of the state is fully vaccinated, which is expected to be achieved in about a week, Melbourne’s hard lockdown will end.

Eighty-seven per cent of Victorians aged over 16 have received their first jab and 62.6 per cent are fully vaccinated.

Mr Andrews said there would be discussions in coming days about when Melbourne’s lockdown would end. It was originally set for October 26.

Deputy Chief Health Officer Ben Cowie reiterated the roadmap was tied to vaccination targets and pressure on the health system, not case numbers.

‘There is no way I could possibly look at one day’s numbers and think of what it means for the roadmap. The roadmap is there, the progress is agreed,’ he said.

A woman in a green dress is seen in Bourke Street Mall in Melbourne CBD on Thursday

A woman in a green dress is seen in Bourke Street Mall in Melbourne CBD on Thursday

Victoria's numbers continue to spiral, on Thursday the state was the first state or territory to record more than 2,000 daily infections

Victoria’s numbers continue to spiral, on Thursday the state was the first state or territory to record more than 2,000 daily infections

While Thursday’s case increase could not be blamed on a single event, Professor Cowie said undetected transmission in the community was now “coming to the surface”.

There were also “disproportionate increases” in regional Victoria, 1245 newly affected households, and nearly two-thirds of the total were aged under 40.

Prof Cowie warned case numbers would climb as the state reopened.

‘As we do have increased mixing in the community, increased freedoms and people moving around, we will see this sort of bumpy road, there’s no question about it,’ he said.

Despite escalating cases, he said the proportion of people being admitted to hospital was less than five per cent of new cases, compared with almost 10 per cent in 2020.

Women are seen struggling with racks of clothing as they maneuver them through the streets

Women are seen struggling with racks of clothing as they maneuver them through the streets

Epidemiologist Adrian Esterman predicts the third wave’s peak is two to three weeks away.

He said Thursday’s spike had “virtually no impact” on the effective reproduction rate of the virus, which had risen slightly from 0.99 to 1.02.

‘I wouldn’t get overly concerned about today’s high numbers, unless we’ve started seeing a trend,’ the University of SA professor told AAP.

‘At the moment, the trend is for there to be a peak coming if not reached, but it would still take another three or four days to make that judgment call.

‘Victoria will get to a peak, it’s just a matter of when will it get to the peak, and how bad will things get before it gets to the peak.’

Lockdown is bad for the world, but it has its benefits for a skateboarder in Melbourne (pictured on Thursday in an eerily empty road)

Lockdown is bad for the world, but it has its benefits for a skateboarder in Melbourne (pictured on Thursday in an eerily empty road)

He said the state would be recording ‘9000 to 10,000 cases a day’ if it was not for vaccination.

Prof Esterman attributed NSW’s low case numbers to its high vaccine rates and the impact of that state opening up would not be seen until next week.

Burnet Institute modelling, released in September, predicts daily cases may reach 1400 to 2900 from October 19 to 31, with a second peak predicted in mid-December.
