Victoria edges closer to its 70% double-dose target – as the state records 1,993 cases and 7 deaths

Victoria records 1,993 cases of Covid-19 and seven deaths as it edges closer to its 70% double-dose vaccination target

  • Victoria could hit 70 per cent vaccination coverage as soon as next Thursday 

Victoria’s Covid cases have dropped below 2,000 cases after record high numbers. 

There were 1,993 cases and seven deaths announced on Saturday.

Melburnians are currently subject to a 15 kilometre travel limit, which will expand to 25km when 70 per cent of people over 16 are fully vaccinated, and regional travel is banned until it hits 80 per cent coverage under the state’s roadmap. 

Victoria reported 2,179 new cases on Friday and six deaths, taking the toll from the current outbreak to 131.  

Victoria recorded 1,993 cases and seven deaths on Saturday, as infections drop below 2,000 (pictured Melbourne residents exercise along the Yarra River)

The state is on track to hit the first 70 per cent vaccination coverage milestone as early as next Thursday which will trigger the end of Melbourne’s sixth lockdown.

The data website Covid Live also suggest the next 80 per cent target would be hit on October 31. 

Melburnians have been rolling up their sleeves this week in the hopes the weekend will be their last at home with just over 63 per cent double jabbed. 

A string of freedoms will be brought in once the first target is reached including lifting the curfew and allowing outdoor gatherings of 10 people. 

Guests won’t be allowed at other people’s houses but hairdressers and beauty parlours can reopen for five fully vaccinated customers. 

Pubs, clubs and other entertainment venues can also welcome back double jabbed patrons. 

More to come 
