Victoria mother loses 64 kilos in just over a year

In 2016, Amanda Morris, 33, was a first-time mother with a full-time job and knew she had to do something about her weight.

At 141kgs, the Victoria-based warehouse supervisor was worried about her lower back pain, her family’s history of type 2 diabetes and not being able to run around with her son.

So in a bid to change her lifestyle for the better, Amanda started to download her favourite shows on an iPad and watch 40-minute episodes while walking on a treadmill.

In 2016 Amanda Morris, 33, (pictured) was a first-time mother with a full-time job and knew she had to do something about her weight

In 2016 Amanda Morris, 33, (pictured) was a first-time mother with a full-time job and knew she had to do something about her weight

In the comfort of her own home she lost an astonishing 31kgs, but at the 110kg mark her weight plateaued.

‘My sister had signed up to trainer Tiffiny Hall’s program in early 2017 and mentioned to me it might be a good way to continue losing weight,’ Amanda told FEMAIL.

‘I was saying to [my sister] I wanted to try some strength-based training because up until that part it has been solely cardio. I needed to change it up.

‘My husband travels a lot for work and I was taking care of a five-year-old so I couldn’t just sign up to a gym. So I tried Tiff’s program.’

AFTER: In the comfort of her own home she lost an astonishing 31kgs, but at the 110kg mark her weight plateaued

AFTER: In the comfort of her own home she lost an astonishing 31kgs, but at the 110kg mark her weight plateaued

Now over a year after getting started Amanda exercises six times a week – with three or four of those sessions the 25-minute workouts on TIFFXO.

And she’s whittled her weight down to an incredible 77kgs.

‘For me it works best if I do the training after putting my son to bed, so after 7.30pm, because I work from 7am-3pm during the week,’ she said.

As for what she’s eating, the plan offers a succinct set of meals for each day and Amanda tries to stick to it as much as possible. 

Now over a year after getting started Amanda exercises six times a week - with three or four of those sessions the 25-minute workouts on TIFFXO

Now over a year after getting started Amanda exercises six times a week – with three or four of those sessions the 25-minute workouts on TIFFXO

As for what she's eating, the plan offers a succinct set of meals for each day and Amanda tries to stick to it as much as possible (pictured with Tiffiny Hall)

As for what she’s eating, the plan offers a succinct set of meals for each day and Amanda tries to stick to it as much as possible (pictured with Tiffiny Hall)

‘Monday to Friday I usually have a smoothie in the morning and then maybe chicken noodle soup for lunch, or you might have leftovers from dinner the night before.

‘If you really don’t like something you can swap it out for a different recipe but because everything in the week is organised by a nutritionist it pays to keep things very similar to the outline.

‘I usually have two small snacks in between meals – little muffins or protein balls, otherwise yoghurt and berries or apple or banana with natural peanut butter, boiled egg, carrot and zucchini sticks.’

When before Amanda would have been inclined to buy takeaway for dinner if nothing was prepared, she credits the program for keeping her in check and prepared.

When before Amanda would have been inclined to buy takeaway for dinner if nothing was prepared, she credits the program for keeping her in check and prepared (pictured with her husband)

When before Amanda would have been inclined to buy takeaway for dinner if nothing was prepared, she credits the program for keeping her in check and prepared (pictured with her husband)

Tiffiny told FEMAIL she utilises the online Facebook group for her 'ninjas' to keep everyone accountable

Tiffiny told FEMAIL she utilises the online Facebook group for her ‘ninjas’ to keep everyone accountable

‘When you don’t have to think about what you’re going to eat it makes things so much easier.’

Tiffiny told FEMAIL she utilises the online Facebook group for her ‘ninjas’ to keep everyone accountable.

‘Every single day I do a live video into the community. I’ll talk about something specific they might be struggling with or just give the women tips to stay motivated,’ she said.

‘We post #welfies – workout selfies – to stay accountable and on track, podcasts to answer anyone’s burning questions, I reply to private messages and offer varied exercises for those pregnant mothers on the program.

‘There are 20,000 of us but it still feels really authentic and personal. I try to remind everyone that I’m a busy mum just like the rest of them.’