Victorians who refuse to get vaccinated will be banned from pubs until 2022  

Dan Andrews BANS unvaccinated Victorians from pubs and events until ‘well into 2022’ in toughest stance Australia has seen – days before state opens up for the double jabbed

Victorians who refuse to get vaccinated will be banned from pubs and events ‘well into 2022’, Daniel Andrews said on Tuesday. 

NSW will give anti-vaxxers equal freedoms as the vaccinated on December 1, just eight weeks after the state’s Covid-19 lockdown ended on October 11.

But Premier Andrews said his state will ‘not be doing that’ and will keep vaccine requirements in place indefinitely.

Victorians who refuse to get vaccinated will be banned from pubs and events ‘well into 2022’, Daniel Andrews said on Tuesday

Asked when the unvaccinated will be able to go to pubs and stadiums, Mr Andrews said: ‘I cannot put a day on it but it will not be when we reach 90 per cent. 

‘It will not be anytime soon. That is going to function for a period of time, well into 2022.’  

The Premier said he expects vaccine passports will still be in place for the Melbourne Grand Prix in April.

‘I don’t think there will be crowds at the Grand Prix made up of people who have not been double dosed,’ Mr Andrews said.

‘Please don’t play that game of ”let’s just wait them out and then we will be able to do everything we want to do and not got jabbed”. 

‘No, that will not be the case here and if you make that choice, it will be a very long wait and you won’t outwait this virus.

‘If you are not vaccinated, you will get it and you have every chance of becoming very unwell.’ 

Melburnians (pictured) will finally be released from lockdown at 11.59pm Friday

Melburnians (pictured) will finally be released from lockdown at 11.59pm Friday

Mr Andrews also said when booster jabs are available next year then Victorians will have to proved they have been vaccinated three times to enjoy full freedoms.

As of Monday, 88.4 per cent of Victorians have had one dose and 66.7 per cent are fully vaccinated. 

Melbourne will be released from lockdown at 11.59pm Thursday, the day Victoria is expected to reach the 70 per cent double-dose target.

The dreaded night curfew and 15km travel limit will be abolished, hospitality outlets can reopen for dining at restricted capacity while the staggered return to the classroom begins this Friday.

Residents can have up to 10 visitors at their homes while outdoor gathering limits will increase from 10 to 15.

Visitors to homes don’t have to be fully vaccinated but is highly recommended by the state government and health officials. The same rule applies for outdoor gatherings.

The Premier praised Victorians on their ‘mighty’ effort to roll up their sleeves.

No other city in the world has more time in lockdown than Melbourne (pictured looking deserted on Sunday) during the pandemic

No other city in the world has more time in lockdown than Melbourne (pictured looking deserted on Sunday) during the pandemic
