Video: Clerk takes on two armed robbers with bare hands

A fast acting overnight store clerk took on two armed robbers at a convenience store in Canada, and was even able to detain on of them until police arrived.

Nisar Ahmed was working his usual night shift alone at the A Plus One Convenience Store in Calgary just before 5am on August 17 when two masked robbers entered the store wielding a pickax and a crowbar. 

The harrowing footage shows Ahmed at first being compliant, but things turn violent in a matter of seconds.

‘They told me, ‘get down! Get down!’ he said, speaking to National Post.  ‘I said to him, anything he wants, he can take it.’

Nisar Ahmed explains how he fought off two robbers alone while working his overnight shift at A Plus One Convenience Store in Calgary

In the amazing footage Ahmed fights off two assailants on his own

In the amazing footage Ahmed fights off two assailants on his own

He's kicked in the head several times by a robber laying on the counter

He’s kicked in the head several times by a robber laying on the counter

Ahmed tries to keep his distance with a step stool like a lion tamer

Ahmed tries to keep his distance with a step stool like a lion tamer

Quick thinking: He rips one of the assailants masks off so he could get the man on camera

Quick thinking: He rips one of the assailants masks off so he could get the man on camera

Through out the fighting behind the counter, Ahmed is faced with two against one

Through out the fighting behind the counter, Ahmed is faced with two against one

Amhed is even able to successfully wrestle a weapon from one of the armed robbers

Amhed is even able to successfully wrestle a weapon from one of the armed robbers

‘But he pushed me, and then he started fighting me.’ 

Within moments of the frighting looking duo entering the store, Ahmed is wrestling with one of the robbers and is able to pull off his mask.

‘Maybe if I take off the mask, I think, maybe his face would be seen by my camera everywhere. So maybe he’s a little bit scared of the camera,’ he recounts to CTVNews.

Next he’s seen trying to wrangle the pickax away from the now unmasked assailant while the second robber takes swings at him with a crowbar.

Ahmed had made grounds with the first robber but is being attacked by the second simultaneously.

The second robber is laying down on the counter and kicking Ahmed in the head while he struggles with both of them. 

Meanwhile he is able to get the crowbar from one of them and tries to whack the first assailant with it. 

Once the clerk is free he runs to the door and barricades the thieves in 

Once the clerk is free he runs to the door and barricades the thieves in 

Now trapped the thieves start trying to break through the window

Now trapped the thieves start trying to break through the window

They finally make their way out of the store but now Ahmed has back up, he and a nearby store clerk are able to detain one of the robbers until police arrive 

They finally make their way out of the store but now Ahmed has back up, he and a nearby store clerk are able to detain one of the robbers until police arrive 

Calgary convenience store is now equipped with better security systems according to its owner who calls his clerk a hero

Calgary convenience store is now equipped with better security systems according to its owner who calls his clerk a hero

Ahmed breaks free from behind the counter, and the quick thinking clerk doesn’t just run away, he barricades the robbers inside the store grabbing the large metal benches outside and piling them up. 

The duo smash through the windows to escape the store, and Ahmed again fights to keep them at bay for police, using a bottle of what appears to be window cleaner to try and push them back.

By the time police arrive, Ahmed and another clerk who was working nearby was able to detain one of the suspects for police. 

The second suspect, a woman, was arrested a few days later.

The owner of A Plus One Convenience says they had to make a number of repairs, and called his longtime clerk a hero. 

Asif Mohamed says Ahmed was given some much deserved time off and a bonus because of his quick actions. 

‘He’s a hero you know, because he caught the robber and didn’t get hurt. The most important thing is nothing happened to him.’ 

‘We say if a robber comes in, we say ‘take whatever you guys want here, take whole store, we don’t care’. Because I care about my employees.’

Arthur Bennie, 35, and Natalie Elashuk, 25, have been charged with robbery and assault with a weapon.