Video footage captures the moment a Texas drag racer loses control of vehicle and crashes into crowd

Video footage captured the moment a drag racer lost control of his Mustang during a racing event and crashed into the crowd, killing two young boys aged six and eight. 

The crash took place towards the end of the air strip ‘track,’ on a section with no safety barriers, at the Kerrville-Kerr County Airport on Saturday afternoon, with the two children killed yet to be identified. 

Eight other spectators and the driver were also injured as a result of the crash.

The video posted on Facebook saw two of the racing vehicles side by side revving their engines before the start of the race. 

The Mustang, on the right, was then seen speeding down the track with a cloud of dust trailing behind. 

It was not long before the Mustang was then seen careening around the back of the other vehicle and swiftly heading towards the crowd. 

The vehicle then crashed into parked cars and hit spectators who were watching the event, according to a report from the Kerrville Police Department.       

Police said a 6-year-old boy died at the scene while an 8-year-old boy died in the hospital. 

Among the eight injured were two women, 46 and 27, who were listed in critical condition. A man, 26, was also taken to the hospital, but his condition is not known. 

The unidentified driver, 34, was described by police as ‘stable,’ NBC News reports. 

The race car veered off course and crashed into the spectators and parked cars

Amateur racers were competing inside the Kerville-Kerr County Airport on Saturday

Amateur racers were competing inside the Kerville-Kerr County Airport on Saturday

Organizers had set up water barriers at the races in Kerrville, Texas

Organizers had set up water barriers at the races in Kerrville, Texas

Two other people were treated at the scene and released, and a 3-month-old girl and 4-year-old boy were hospitalized for ‘precautionary evaluations. 

The victims were taken to medical facilities in Kerrville, Austin and San Antonio.  

The crash happened on Saturday afternoon at a makeshift track at the Kerrville-Kerr County Airport with 3,500 people in attendance. The site was hosted by the ‘Airport Race Wars 2’ event. 

The event, which is for amateur drivers, was put together by Flyin’ Diesel Performance, a local auto shop neighboring the airport.   

Upwards of 3,500 people were in attendance, according to Louis Amestoy, a freelance journalist who was at the event. 

The race was an eighth of a mile (0.2 kilometers) long, and water-filled plastic barriers lined the course.

But Amestoy said they didn’t extend past the finish line, leaving no protection between spectators and cars as they were slowing down at the end of the race.

Spectators could get within about 15 feet (4.6 meters) of the track, and many watched the race from lawn chairs in the absence of stands. 

Organizers reminded people to stay in the grass and off the asphalt, Amestoy told The Associated Press in a phone interview.

The driver was nearing the end of the strip when the car veered off course, Amestoy said.

Kerrville Police released a statement on the crash and are currently investigating the incident

Kerrville Police released a statement on the crash and are currently investigating the incident

The event was part of the Race Wars 2 competition, hosted by Flyin' Diesel Performance

The event was part of the Race Wars 2 competition, hosted by Flyin’ Diesel Performance

‘We ask that you please pray for everyone involved,’ said race organizer Ross Dunagan, auto shop’s owner, in a Facebook post.    

One of the spectators, Brittany Lehman, told The Kerrville Daily Times that the car had fishtailed into onlookers after it crossed the finished line. 

Lehman had been at the event cheering for her husband when she saw the crash, followed by black smoke and people running. 

‘They said “Get your children out of here,”‘ Lehmann told the Daily Times. 

Police are continuing to investigate the incident.  
