Video shows Scottish couple catch mouse in kitchen

A young Scottish couple scream and hyperventilate as they capture a mouse roaming their kitchen in this hilarious video.

David Forsyth, 28, hands a broom to his girlfriend, Victoria, who is standing on a stool, so she can ‘f****** bash it’.

He finally manages to trap the rodent inside a plastic jug and is on the edge of total panic as he suggests ‘launching it’ out of the window.

The pair, who live in Amsterdam, but are from Paisley, Renfrewshire, posted the clip online with the promise the mouse was released without suffering any harm.

Victoria entitled the clip with the caption ‘Mouse Catcher – Scottish version’, adding: ‘No mice or humans were harmed in this video’.

At the start of the clip, David, a marketing executive with Adidas, is in the kitchen brandishing a plastic jug and looking for the mouse, which is hiding in a box of eggs.

Victoria is filming the action while perched on a stool for protection.

David grabs a floor brush and says: ‘Get the broom, get the broom.’ When she asks why, he replies: ‘To ‘f****** bash it or something.’

David eventually slams the jug down and starts screaming: ‘I got it, I got it, I got it!’

Victoria heads into the kitchen and the mouse can be seen trying to escape its plastic prison.

‘Babe, we need to get this out asap, ok?’ says David, adding: ‘Open the window I’m just gonna f****** launch it.’

Scottish couple David Forsyth and his girlfriend, Victoria, shared the hilarious video of the pair trying to catch a mouse which had invaded their home in Amsterdam

28-year-old David is a marketing executive with Adidas. He stood barefoot in the kitchen brandishing a plastic jug and looking for the mouse, which was hiding in a box of eggs

David grabbed a clear plastic jug while Victoria stood on a stool holding a broom. David then launched the cup over the mouse and to his shock he eventually succeeded in trapping it

David's perseverance paid off and he trapped the mouse in the plastic jug on the kitchen table

David’s perseverance paid off and he trapped the mouse in the plastic jug on the kitchen table

By this stage, David is hyperventilating and Victoria can’t help laughing at him, before saying: ‘I hope it’s mum doesn’t come out.’

David, who moved to Amsterdam in 2012, said today: ‘I don’t really like things like that so it did creep me out a bit, I just wanted it out of my apartment, so the best way was to catch it and let it go outside.

‘That was me with one small mouse, I don’t think i’d quite cope in the I’m A Celebrity jungle.

‘Mice are very common here but that’s the first time I’ve had one in my apartment. We’re in the middle of rennovating the kitchen, hence the mess.

‘I caught it and let it go outside safely, I haven’t seen it since!’

Musophobia, the fear of mice, is said to stem from a negative or traumatic experience. 

However, it is also suggested that humans are conditioned from childhood to fear wild rats and other rodents.