Viewer notices some confusing plot holes in The Holiday

In the lead up to Christmas many of us enjoy nothing more than cosying up in front of the TV to watch our favourite festive movie.

But this year film lovers may be avoiding The Holiday, starring Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz, after a number of plot holes were spotted in the festive classic.

Cosmopolitan’s Claire Hodgson is a self-confessed fan of the festive favourite, but having watched it almost a dozen times, she was suddenly struck by the fact it doesn’t make any sense.

By piecing together the dates when things were supposed to happen, she realised that the film seemingly begins just a few days before Christmas – but then jumps back in time to mid-December.

Additionally action plays out for one set of characters on what’s supposed to be Christmas Eve, while the timeline places another set at New Year’s Eve – even though all the events are meant to be taking place in parallel. 

Read on to find out some of the reasons why the film’s timeline makes absolutely no sense – but be warned, you will never watch it in the same way again. 

At the beginning of the film Iris Simpkins (played by Kate Winslet)  finishes work for Christmas on what appears to be December 22

Friday December 22

At the beginning of The Holiday we see Winslet’s character Iris Simpkins attend her 2006 work Christmas party at The Daily Telegraph.

Her boss tells her that while the company isn’t officially closed, they will be getting by with a ‘much smaller staff’.

As newspapers run all year round, viewers can safely assume the party was on the last Friday before Christmas, and in ’06 this was Friday December 22.

At the same time over in LA we see Cameron Diaz’s character Amanda Woods put together the finishing touches to a trailer for a film being released on Christmas Day.

But if it is still the 22nd, that is not much notice to finish a trailer for a film that’s coming out on 25th December.

Both women start to search online for holidays when they connect on a house swap website and arrive in their respective destinations on 23rd December.  

Amanda Woods (played by Cameron Diaz) meets Graham (Jude Law) but says she wants to leave the UK before New Year's Eve

Amanda Woods (played by Cameron Diaz) meets Graham (Jude Law) but says she wants to leave the UK before New Year’s Eve

On Christmas Eve she says she has to leave in eight hours, despite saying she'd be leaving on the 30th

On Christmas Eve she says she has to leave in eight hours, despite saying she’d be leaving on the 30th

Sunday 24th December, Christmas Eve

At this point it doesn’t appear to be Christmas Eve, even though it should be according to where the film started. 

Thursday December 21

We appear to be back in the middle of December again as it’s still not Christmas.

On a date with Graham, Amanda announces that she is leaving in nine days and she doesn’t want their relationship to get complicated.

She had originally said she doesn’t want to stay until New Year’s Eve, so assuming she leaves on the 30th this day is December 21 – again.

Over in LA Iris is throwing a Hanukkah party, and on that particular year the religious holiday fell between Friday, December 15 and the evening of Saturday December 23, meaning her party must have been before the 23rd. 

Iris throws a Hanukkah party, which has to be before December 23, meaning the time has jumped around again

Iris throws a Hanukkah party, which has to be before December 23, meaning the time has jumped around again

The film jumps forward three days when Miles (Jack Black) what she's doing for Christmas Eve

The film jumps forward three days when Miles (Jack Black) what she’s doing for Christmas Eve

Sunday December 24

Miles, played by Jack Black, ask Iris what her plan is for Christmas Eve, meaning the film has jumped forward by three days.

But later the timeline confuses itself (and us) once again, as Graham and Amanda end up in bed together and she tells him she’s leaving in eight hours, when she originally said she’s leaving just before New Year’s Eve.

New Year’s Eve

After Amanda rushes back from the airport, everyone manages to be in the same place together on New Year’s Eve – and the film finally confirms that it is 31st December after all. 

At the end of the film everyone is together in the UK, when the film say it's New Year's Eve

At the end of the film everyone is together in the UK, when the film say it’s New Year’s Eve