Vigilantes trash Melbourne Nazi memorabilia store

The bearded owner of a store selling Nazi memorabilia has been forced out after vandals targeted his shop. 

Vigilantes took part in a covert operation in the dead of night to send a message to the owner of E.K Militaria in the Melbourne suburb of Pascoe Vale. 

The words ‘Nazi Scum Out’ were painted in bright red letters across the glass of the store’s front window, with anti-fascist slogans accompanying the message.

The store was widely condemned after it was revealed last month owner Garry McDonald was selling swastika arm-bands, Hitler youth badges and daggers. 

Anarchists have vandalised a store selling Nazi memorabilia, forcing the owner to flee and shut up shop

The action was conducted by two men and a woman acting under the international vigilante group ‘Anarchists worldwide’.  

The group detailed their antics online, revealing they ‘paid a visit to the premises’ on January 20 before outlining the steps they took to drive away the business owner.

The three disabled a nearby surveillance camera, sabotaged the entrance locks to the store, spray-painted graffiti and smashed a store-front window displaying a Confederate flag.

The group said their hand was forced after inaction from local authorities.  

E K Militaria was widely condemned after it was revealed last month owner Garry McDonald was selling Nazi Memorabilia including swastika arm-bands, Hitler youth badges and daggers

E K Militaria was widely condemned after it was revealed last month owner Garry McDonald was selling Nazi Memorabilia including swastika arm-bands, Hitler youth badges and daggers

‘Jewish community groups and local residents have lodged official complaints about the store to no avail so ‘EK Militaria’ has continued to operate freely, trading in grisly artifacts that glorify Nazism and operating as a hub for Melbourne’s network of Hitler-loving far-right scum,’ the group said.  

‘With this action we are sending a clear message to Garry McDonald – if the authorities are not prepared to do something about your fascist business, we are’ the vandals wrote. 

A spokesperson for Victoria Police told Daily Mail Australia they are investigating the act of vandalism.  

‘Every Victorian has the right to feel safe and secure in the community and Victoria Police will not tolerate any attempts to incite hatred or violence based on someone’s religion or ethnicity,’ the spokesperson said. 

Among the ‘military memorabilia' there were items from the Third Reich including Nazi daggers and uniforms

Among the ‘military memorabilia’ there were items from the Third Reich including Nazi daggers and uniforms

Store owner Garry Mcdonald previously told the Herald Sun he didn’t care people were upset by the items he was selling. 

‘If I’ve upset one person, what do they want me to do about it? They’ve upset me by whingeing about it,’ he said.

‘I couldn’t care what people think. I could not care less.’

Since the store was vandalised on January 20 it has been vacated by the business owner and put up for rent online.

The store’s closure has been welcomed within the community, but some were wary the business may continue operating online or open a shop elsewhere. 

One commenter said they avoided driving down the street because the place ‘made them feel sick every time they had to pass it.’ 

One commenter said they had avoided the street because they felt uncomfortable passing by the store

One commenter said they had avoided the street because they felt uncomfortable passing by the store

The store's closure has been welcomed within the community, but some were wary the business may continue operating online or open a shop elsewhere

The store’s closure has been welcomed within the community, but some were wary the business may continue operating online or open a shop elsewhere

Since the store was vandalised on January 20 it has been vacated by the business owner and put up for rent online

Since the store was vandalised on January 20 it has been vacated by the business owner and put up for rent online

Leading civil rights organisation, the Anti-Defamation Commission believes the action reflects the alarm within the community about the blatant display of hate symbols.

Chairman Dr Dvir Abramovich told Daily Mail Australia the shop’s closure is a win for the community.

‘This is a victory for decency, and for every person who was disgusted by the fact that in our tolerant city, blood-soaked instruments of death, the face of pure evil, were proudly displayed and sold,’ he said. 

‘The presence of this shop in the heart of our suburbs was not just an insult to the memory of the victims and the diggers who sacrificed their lives to defeat the Third Reich, but was a spit in the face of Holocaust survivors.’

A google review for E K Militaria reveals the owner had sold a 'mug with Hitler's face on it' as a christmas gift

A google review for E K Militaria reveals the owner had sold a ‘mug with Hitler’s face on it’ as a christmas gift