Violent baseball bat attacker knocks out Aldi employee

Mervyn Davidson was high on ice when he violently knocked an Aldi supermarket employee unconscious with a baseball bat in a New South Wales store last year.   

Horrifying footage of the January 2017 attack shows the enraged male knocking the female cashier worker out in one solid blow, before kicking her and demanding she hand over money from the till. 

The CCTV vision was played inside court Monday, with the violent offender apologising for the damage caused and claiming to have lost all memory of the event, Sydney Morning Herald reports. 

Mervyn Davidson (pictured) was high on ice when he violently knocked an Aldi supermarket employee unconscious with a baseball bat in a New South Wales store last year

The enraged male knocked the female cashier worker out in one solid blow with an aluminium bat

The enraged male knocked the female cashier worker out in one solid blow with an aluminium bat

The brazen daylight attempted robbery at the Albion Park Rail store, south of Wollongong, was intercepted by a male customer and later by more employees.

The customer rams Davidson with a trolley before a male employee grabs him from behind, clasping him in a firm bear hug.

As the heated scuffle continues, another customer assists in restraining the attacker, who is then held down until police officers arrive.

Footage shows a young boy watching on in horror with an older male from the bagging bench.

The customer rams Davidson with a trolley before a male employee attacks from behind, clasping him in a firm bear hug

The customer rams Davidson with a trolley before a male employee attacks from behind, clasping him in a firm bear hug

 As the heated scuffle continues, another customer assists in restraining the attacker, who is then held down until police officers arrive

 As the heated scuffle continues, another customer assists in restraining the attacker, who is then held down until police officers arrive

The victim was left with bleeding on the brain and facial fractures, and she has not yet returned to work full time. 

Davidson was also charged with punching a police officer in the face while in custody, before choking a cellmate unconscious in Silverwater jail two days later.

He pleaded guilty to all three incidents and showed remorse for his actions in court Monday.    

‘I shouldn’t have done it,’ he said.

‘If she [the employee] was here I’d apologise to her.’

Footage shows a young boy watching on in horror with an older male from the bagging bench

Footage shows a young boy watching on in horror with an older male from the bagging bench

Despite an extensive criminal history, Davidson had no similar incidents on his record, Judge Andrew Haesler said.

He said his rehabilitation would depend on his ability to stay drug-free in the community.

Davidson will be sentenced next Thursday.