Virgin joins Qantas in mandating Covid vaccines for ALL staff

Virgin joins Qantas in mandating Covid vaccines for ALL staff with cabin crew forced to be fully jabbed by November or lose their jobs

  •  Virgin to make Covid vaccines compulsory for frontline staff by November 15 

Australia’s other major airline Virgin will follow the lead set by Qantas and make Covid vaccines mandatory for all their staff. 

All frontline workers will be required to get the jab by November 15 while office staff will have until March 31, the airline announced on Monday.

Management said they had discussed the move with employees beforehand and were working on specific details surrounding the requirement. 

‘The majority of our team at Virgin Australia are already vaccinated, and we will be listening to our team members to ensure we find the best fit policy for our organisation,’ Virgin Australia CEO Jayne Hrdlicka said. 

‘We will now commence discussing the proposed vaccination requirement in detail with our team through our internal safety committees, unions and other appropriate forums.’

More to follow.