Wake up a 7, workout, call Hunter: inside Joe Biden’s daily schedule

President Joe Biden starts his day with a workout and caps it off with a phone call to son Hunter while, sandwhiched in between, are a national security briefing, staff meetings, events, day trips and whatever else the day may bring.

The president’s schedule has returned to the spotlight amid a new report claiming aides struggle to get the 80-year-old to do evening or morning events.

Biden literally carries his schedule around with him on a long white notecard, checking off items with a black pen as he moves through the day. It’s a habit that goes back to the Senate where, in the days before smart phones, staff printed out each day’s schedule for the lawmaker to have handy.

The president also has ‘cheat sheets’ for other items, including one on Wednesday that raised eyebrows: it outlined a question expected to be asked at his press conference with the president of South Korea. Another card gave the president detailed instructions about an earlier briefing. 

It raised questions about how much he is managed by his aides and whether it’s too much handling. Photographers caught Biden with a cheat sheet at the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, last November that contained instructions that said ‘YOU will sit at the center’ and ‘YOU will deliver opening remarks.’

Then there are questions about how he spends his day. The White House releases a daily schedule but it’s not reflective of all a president does.

President Joe Biden starts his day with a workout and has various events on his schedule such as above when he welcomed children to the White House on Thursday for Take Your Child To Work Day

Biden is, by most accounts, a night owl. Coming back from Ireland earlier this month he chatted with reporters on the tarmac at 2:30 in the morning. But his advancing age has led to questions about his health and stamina as he faces the 2024 re-election campaign. He is the oldest president in American history. 

Some close Biden advisers told Axios that the president ‘has diminished his energy, significantly limiting his schedule.’ They note it’s hard to schedule public or private events in the morning, in the evening or on weekends. Most of the president’s events happen between 10 am and 4 pm. 

But White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates questioned the premise of the story and sent to DailyMail.com a response he sent to Axios, which was not included in their report: ‘Are these the same ‘advisers and close allies’ who you wrote on April 3 ‘don’t expect him to announce a run for re-election any time soon?’ 

Axios did a breakdown of Biden’s schedule so far in 2023 and found: 

  • Only four public events before 10 a.m. 
  • Just a dozen public events after 6 p.m. — mostly dinners and receptions with foreign leaders or fundraisers. 
  • 12 full weekends with no public events. 

For Friday, the first event on Biden’s public schedule is his national security briefing at 11:15 am. At 2:30 pm he’ll welcome the Air Force Falcons to the White House for the Commander’s Trophy. And at 6:45 pm he’ll address a Democratic Party fundraiser.

A White House official tells DailyMail.com that the ‘timing of our specific events is often so to hit broadcast news in the best window.’ 

White House staff are protective of the president, as is their job. 

But Democratic Rep. Ro Khanna said Biden’s staff can go too far. He urged them to let Biden lose and to let him speak off the cuff more. Most of the president’s events are tightly scripted and staff often pull him to the next one quickly in order to limit any presidential spontaneity.

‘I think his staff overprotects him,’ Khanna said on Fox News on Friday morning. ‘Put him out there in a press conference. Who cares is someone makes a gaffe? Everyone does in conversations. Let’s see the authentic president Biden. He is an empathetic person and the more he is out there, the better.’

The president keeps a full day, according to his own account. 

President Joe Biden calls his son Hunter every night

President Joe Biden calls his son Hunter every night

Some aides told Axios they don't schedule evening events for the president; on Wednesday President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden hosted a state dinner for the president of South Korea

Some aides told Axios they don’t schedule evening events for the president; on Wednesday President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden hosted a state dinner for the president of South Korea

In cold weather, Biden likes a fire in the Oval Office

In cold weather, Biden likes a fire in the Oval Office

Biden has said he wakes up at 7 a.m. and works out at the White House at 8 a.m.. He often has a personal trainer to come in – the residence has a private gym – and spends about 45 minutes working out.

He usually has coffee and breakfast with first lady Jill Biden and then heads to the Oval Office. 

His day is full of meetings and briefings. In cold weather, he keeps a fire going in the fireplace, sometimes adding the logs himself. His family’s German Shepherds – currently Commander but, in the past, Major and the late Champ – are often napping underfoot.

The president sometime takes a break during the day to go out in the Rose Garden and play with Commander, the new puppy the Bidens got after Champ died and Major went to a family friend, unable to handle life in the White House bubble. 

Biden is in the Oval Office until around 7 p.m., after which he heads to the residence to have dinner with his wife.

He then reads his briefing book, which clocks in around 200 pages, before going to bed at 11 p.m. 

Biden recounted the details of his personal life in an interview with the Smartless podcast’s Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes, and Will Arnett in November.

The Biden family is close – oldest grandchild Naomi lived in the White House with her fiance Peter Neal ahead of their November wedding. 

Hunter Biden told the Marc Maron podcast in 2021 that President Biden calls him every night as he struggled to keep his drug and alcohol addiction at bay – and, if Hunter doesn’t pick up, a string of texts follows. 

And Joe and Jill Biden, when traveling, speak to each other frequently during their time apart. When Jill Biden went to the Ukraine last year, she called her husband during the car ride back across the border to Slovenia to tell him about the visit. 

President Biden, who is close to his family, also calls his each of his grandchildren every single day.

‘I have six grandchildren,’ he said on Thursday during a Take Your Child to Work Day event. ‘And I’m crazy about them. And I speak to them every single day. Not a joke. Matter of fact, I just got finished going through the calls. And only one of them answered the phone.  But at least I got to leave a message.’

He relaxes by spending time with his family – usually at his home in Wilmington. He also likes sports, especially football.

He’s also a fan of bike riding. He spent much of the COVID pandemic working out on his Peleton. He often rides a bike while at his beach house in Rehoboth, Delaware, or when his family visits Kiawah Island, South Carolina.

President Biden enjoys bike riding as above in August 2022 in Kiawah Island

President Biden enjoys bike riding as above in August 2022 in Kiawah Island

President Biden in the Oval Office with his former German Shepherds: Champ (left) died and Major (right) went to a family friend after he couldn't handle life in the White House bubble

President Biden in the Oval Office with his former German Shepherds: Champ (left) died and Major (right) went to a family friend after he couldn’t handle life in the White House bubble

He told the kids visiting the White House Thursday that he had a ‘bacon, scrambled egg, and cheese on a croissant’ for breakfast.

Lunch is usually soup and a salad — usually a chopped salad with grilled chicken — and he is partial to orange Gatorade and Coke Zero. 

His favorite treat is ice cream – chocolate chip – and he usually eats some every day. 

‘That was the first thing I was told – ice cream,’ Chef Edward Lee, who made the food for Wednesday’s state dinner, said when talking about planning the menu. He included a banana split for dessert. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk