Wales wife, 32, who stabbed her husband to death in a drunken row over a lost mobile phone jailed

Natasha Jex, 32, stabbed her 52-year-old husband Neal to death at their home in Wales

A wife who stabbed her husband to death during a drink-fuelled row a week before Christmas has been jailed for eight years.

Natasha Jex, 32, used a kitchen knife to inflict the single, fatal blow to her 52-year-old husband Neal at their home in the Penywaun area of Aberdare, South Wales on December 17 last year.

Swansea Crown Court heard the pair, who had been together since the defendant was 21 and married in 2011, started to argue as they drove home and the row continued in their house.

The couple were dressed in Christmas jumpers for a boozy party at their local rugby club when Natasha’s 14-year-old son lost his mobile phone.

The court heard it sparked a row and the couple started ‘slagging off each other’s children from previous relationships’.

Jex, who told a psychiatrist she had no memory of the incident, went into the kitchen and picked up a knife before stabbing her husband in the chest.

She summoned the emergency services, but they were unable to save Mr Jex.

She was originally charged with murder but pleaded guilty to unlawful act manslaughter on the eve of her trial.

Christopher Quinlan QC, defending, described the case as a tragedy for both Mr Jex’s and the defendant’s families and had torn them apart.

‘That word tragedy is often over-used and misunderstood for what it means,’ he said.

‘It is a tragedy for Mr Jex’s family that will be apart from him.’

Mr Quinlan said Jex’s actions were not planned or premeditated and added: ‘There is evidence that supports Mrs Jex’s account that, putting it neutrally, there was a coming together between them which she had to extricate herself.

‘She left the room and went into the kitchen and didn’t leave as sense would have told her to do.

‘She told a psychiatrist she has no recollection of what happened once she got into the kitchen. She accepts picking up that knife was unlawful.

‘Once she had that knife the fatal injury was inflicted and she must now take the consequences of her actions.

‘During that 999 call she is distressed and becomes hysterical when told that he is ‘gone’.’

Jailing the mother-of-one for eight years, Judge Keith Thomas said he did not consider the defendant dangerous and was therefore intending to pass a determinate sentence of imprisonment.

‘I acknowledge from the outset that no words can properly reflect the sense of loss caused by the premature and violent death of a loved one,’ he said.

‘Neal Jex was clearly a humorous and well-loved man and his loss is a tragedy.

‘It is clear that after both of you had been drinking there was a dispute and you went into the kitchen and picked up a knife and with it inflicted a blow to his chest.

‘You deliberately picked up a knife and introduced it into the conflict.

‘You did desperately try and obtain medical aid for your dying husband, but he could not be saved.’

The judge added: ‘I accept that your remorse is genuine. I take into account all the information that has been put before the court.

‘I take into account that you had not intention to kill or cause really serious bodily harm. In the circumstances I reduce the custodial sentence to eight years to take into account your guilty plea.’