Walt Disney World worker made life-size child ‘sex dolls’

A Disney worker who was arrested as part of a police investigation into child pornography has admitted making dolls resembling children out of swimming noodles.

Miguel Ruiz, 41, was arrested by Polk County Sheriffs in Florida earlier this month. 

Upon questioning, the man told detectives how he put the dolls together and even demonstrated the construction of one. 

He put children’s clothes on them once they were pieced together and had sex with them in his home in Davenport, police said on Tuesday. 

Ruiz had been working as an attractions attendant at Walt Disney World in Orlando, which is around 25 miles from his home, for 15 years. 

Beforehand, he worked as a teacher but lost his job in the 1990s. 

This is one of the dolls Miguel Ruiz fashioned out of swimming noodles to have sex with. Ruiz dressed them in children’s clothing and spoke to them, according to police 

He was arrested after police received a tip that he had been downloading child pornography. 

The victims were aged between nine and 12, according to charging documents. 

At a press conference on Tuesday, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd described Ruiz as ‘really sick’.

‘Here’s the frightening thing about him. He makes his own sex babies,’ he said.

‘And here’s what he does. He takes these swimming noodles that you frequently see children with, he wraps towels around them. 

Disney worker Miguel Ruiz, 41, is behind bars on child pornography charges

Disney worker Miguel Ruiz, 41, is behind bars on child pornography charges

‘And then he puts them into children’s clothing. I’m told that he buys most of this clothing at stores such as Good Will. 

‘He has other attributes that he puts into these clothing to simulate body parts. This guy is sick.

‘He is really sick.’ 

Despite the fact that there were no children in his home, Sheriff Judd said Ruiz hoarded toys. 

‘You notice he’s got some toys here, some things that would be childlike, to go with his childlike figure who they estimate if it were a child would be 8-10 years old.

‘There is no children in the home so this is all for his fantasy and his play.

‘We think he has the potential to be very dangerous,’ he added. 

Ruiz was charged with three counts of possessing child pornography and one count of promotion. 

He admitted trying to delete the files but police were able to recover them while searching his home. 

A spokesman for Walt Disney World told DailyMail.com on Wednesday that they were aware of his arrest and were looking into his employment history at the park.  

Ruiz has worked as an attractions attendant at Walt Disney World in Orlando (above) for 15 years

Ruiz has worked as an attractions attendant at Walt Disney World in Orlando (above) for 15 years

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