Warnings about using ibuprofen to combat coronavirus symptoms

Those with coronavirus symptoms are being warned not to take ibuprofen after a four-year-old girl became seriously ill after taking the painkiller.

Amelia Milner, 4, who has suspected coronavirus, was given ibuprofen but instead of making her feel better, it made her temperature spike and she began shaking, panting and couldn’t keep her eyes open, according to her stepdad Dan Collins. She also vomited on herself.

Mr Collins’s concern comes just days after France’s health minister, Dr Olivier Veran, said ibuprofen could aggravate the infection.   

He wrote: ‘Anti-inflammatories (ibuprofen, cortisone …) could aggravate the infection. If you have a fever, take paracetamol.’  

In a moving Facebook post, Mr Collins shared a photo of the poorly four-year-old and warned: ‘To those of you that have children please read. If your child has symptoms of coronavirus, DO NOT give them ibuprofen.’

Mr Collins says Amelia had been unwell since Tuesday with a cough, fever and cold. She has not been tested for coronavirus because she is not in hospital. 

Amelia was given ibuprofen as her mum and step-dad were unable to get any Calpol.

The NHS has now taken down online advice for people to use ibuprofen if they have coronavirus symptoms and instead tells patients to stick to paracetamol. 

Amelia Milner (pictured), 4, who has suspected cornoavirus, was given ibuprofen and experienced a raft of problems including a spike in temperature and vomiting

Amelia at the wedding of her mum, Maddie, and stepdad, Dan. Paramedics attended Amelia and told her mum and stepdad not to give her any more ibuprofen. The first warning came a couple of days ago from France's health minister, Olivier Veran

Amelia at the wedding of her mum, Maddie, and stepdad, Dan. Paramedics attended Amelia and told her mum and stepdad not to give her any more ibuprofen. The first warning came a couple of days ago from France’s health minister, Olivier Veran

‘Within an hour of giving it to her, she dropped dramatically,’ Dan told the Manchester Evening News. 

‘She was panting while trying to breathe, her heart rate was very rapid, she couldn’t keep her eyes open, couldn’t lift her head up, her body was shaking, she started being sick on herself and her temperature had risen to 39.4!

‘We called back up and the NHS sent out an emergency ambulance, once the paramedics got here they managed to bring her temp and stats down a bit, they’re still higher than normal but not dangerously high anymore.

In a moving Facebook post, Mr Collins shared a photo of the poorly four-year-old and issued a  warning about ibuprofen

In a moving Facebook post, Mr Collins shared a photo of the poorly four-year-old and issued a  warning about ibuprofen

Amelia Milner (left) with her sister Katie (right), before she fell ill with suspected coronavirus

Amelia Milner (left) with her sister Katie (right), before she fell ill with suspected coronavirus

‘Now she’s back on Calpol, she’s back to just being her poorly self.


Like other coronaviruses, including those that cause the common cold and that triggered SARS, COVID-19 is a respiratory illness.  

  • The most common symptoms are: 
  • Fever 
  • Dry cough 
  • Shortness of breath
  • Difficulty breathing 
  • Fatigue 

Although having a runny nose doesn’t rule out coronavirus, it doesn’t thus far appear to be a primary symptom. 

Most people only become mildly ill, but the infection can turn serious and even deadly, especially for those who are older or have underlying health conditions.  

In these cases, patients develop pneumonia, which can cause: 

  • Potentially with yellow, green or bloody mucus
  • Fever, sweating and shaking chills
  • Shortness of breath 
  • Rapid or shallow breathing 
  • Pain when breathing, especially when breathing deeply or coughing 
  • Low appetite, energy and fatigue 
  • Nausea and vomiting (more common in children) 
  • Confusion (more common in elderly people)
  • Some patients have also reported diarrhea and kidney failure has occassionally been a complication. 

Avoid people with these symtpoms. If you develop them, call your health care provider before going to the hospital or doctor, so they and you can prepare to minimize possivle exposure if they suspect you have coronavirus.  


‘The paramedics only told us while here that we’re not to give her ibuprofen,’ he added.

Amelia’s mum Maddie, also mum to eight-year-old Katie, says she’s ‘never seen her daughter as poorly in her life’ and they are now self-isolating.

Speaking to the MEN, she said: ‘I had her in bed with me last night so I could keep an eye on her, she was up all night coughing and wheezing and with a high fever still, today has been the same.

She’s also been ill for seven days now and shows no sign of being better, but with them not testing we won’t know if it is for definite or not.

‘They didn’t mention testing, as I’m aware if you’re well enough to stay home and self isolate then they aren’t testing, they’re only testing those with underlying health conditions that are ending up admitted to hospital with it, she added.’

Dr Amir Khan, star of the Channel 5 show GPs Behind Closed Doors, has also warned about the use of ibuprofen. 

He says that despite anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen being important drugs that are used by millions of people to treat pain, different types of arthritis, headaches, sore throats and colds, they ‘can have a depressive effect on parts of our immune systems’ – and that is where the danger lies with coronavirus.

‘When it comes to taking them to help ease the symptoms of the common cold, we do not really have to worry about this slight but important reduction in the strength of our immune systems: We are very unlikely to develop complications from the common cold, let alone die from it,’ he said to Al Jazeera.

‘But we need our immune system in top working order in order to battle the coronavirus and win.’

He explains that when the virus enters our body, it induces mild to severe respiratory problems, a high fever, cough and, potentially, multi-organ dysfunction, which can lead to death.

Our bodies release mast cells in response to the virus – which are released very quickly from our respiratory tract – and when they come into contact with the virus, they then trigger ‘a much bigger immune response, which involves inflammatory chemicals being released’.

We need these inflammatory chemicals to help tackle the virus in the medium to long term,’ said Dr Khan.

‘It is the effectiveness of these chemicals that decides whether a person develops complications from the coronavirus or makes a full recovery.’ 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk