Watch the moment a meteorite slammed into the MOON: Incredible footage shows flash as crater forms

Watch the moment a meteorite slammed into the MOON: Incredible footage shows a huge flash as a crater was formed

  • A Japanese astronomer captured a likely ‘lunar impact flash’ in a telephoto shot
  • Daichi Fuji captured the shot just after 8pm from his home in Hiratsuka city
  • He claims the object smashed into the surface near the moon’s Ideler L crater 

Incredible footage shows the moment a meteorite smashed into the moon, carving a crater into its surface.

A huge flash of light was captured by a Japanese astronomer on February 23 in what has been described as a likely ‘lunar impact flash’.

Daichi Fuji, head of astronomy at the Hiratsuka City Museum, caught the split-second film just after 8.15pm (11.15 GMT) from his home in Hiratsuka, Japan.

He tweeted: ‘I was able to catch the biggest lunar impact flash in my observation history! 

‘At the time of observation, there was no artificial satellite passing over the lunar surface, and from the way it shines, it is highly likely that it is a lunar impact flash.’

Daichi Fuji captured the shot at around 8.15 pm (11.15 GMT) from his home in Hiratsuka, Japan

Mr Fuji said the object seemed to have fallen near the Ideler L crater, slightly northwest of the Pitiscus crater on the moon. 

Because the light captured on his telephoto camera was so bright, he claimed that the ‘generated crater is large’ and the ‘striations are clearly visible’.

Meteors and fireballs are not visible however, as the moon has no atmosphere, he added, but the moment a crater forms ‘it glows’.

He continued: ‘At that time, the altitude of the moon was only seven degrees, and I was glad that I was able to hold on until the last minute.’

MailOnline has approached the European Space Agency and the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for further comment. 

Around 100 ping pong-ball-sized meteoroids hit the moon every day, according to Bill Cooke, head of NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama.

Last year, he told Live Science: ‘That adds up to roughly 33,000 meteoroids per year. 

‘Despite their small size, each of these ping pong-ball-size rocks impacts the surface with the force of 7 pounds (3.2 kilograms) of dynamite.’

Mr Fuji claims the object smashed into the moon's surface near the Ideler L crater

Mr Fuji claims the object smashed into the moon’s surface near the Ideler L crater

Just over one week before Mr Fuji’s shot, another meteoroid also created a shooting star that could be seen across southern England and Wales and in parts of France.

The rock, called 2023 CX1, entered the atmosphere around two miles off the French coast at 3am, creating a fireball as it disintegrated into small pieces which landed in the sea. 

It was only the seventh time an asteroid strike had been successfully forecast, in what the European Space Agency said was ‘a sign of the rapid advancements in global asteroid detection capabilities’. 

However, the largest known lunar impact is understood to have occurred around 4.3 billion years ago near its south pole.

The massive strike is said to have sent a huge plume of heat through the lunar interior. 

Explained: The difference between an asteroid, meteorite and other space rocks

An asteroid is a large chunk of rock left over from collisions or the early solar system. Most are located between Mars and Jupiter in the Main Belt.

A comet is a rock covered in ice, methane and other compounds. Their orbits take them much further out of the solar system.

A meteor is what astronomers call a flash of light in the atmosphere when debris burns up.

This debris itself is known as a meteoroid. Most are so small they are vapourised in the atmosphere.

If any of this meteoroid makes it to Earth, it is called a meteorite.

Meteors, meteoroids and meteorites normally originate from asteroids and comets.

For example, if Earth passes through the tail of a comet, much of the debris burns up in the atmosphere, forming a meteor shower.
