Wayne Rooney girl says Coleen shouldn’t forgive him

The woman who enjoyed a night out with Wayne Rooney before he was arrested for drink driving has said she doesn’t think he should be forgiven.

Laura Simpson, a 29-year-old former lettings agent from Manchester, met the footballer at a Cheshire nightclub and has previously been quoted as saying she would have had sex with him if he hadn’t been arrested.

But today she sought to play down their night out, insisting nothing had happened other than them getting into a car together.

She denied trying to get together with the world-famous footballer, insisting they ‘just fell into talking to each other in the company that we were in’. 

But despite playing down the events, she added: ‘I don’t think he deserves to be forgiven and forgotten, if that was my partner.’ 

Laura Simpson, who was with Wayne Rooney on the night he was arrested for drink driving, has denied claims she goes out looking to meet footballers

Miss Simpson told ITV's This Morning hosts Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield that she had told Rooney's wife Coleen that nothing happened.

Miss Simpson told ITV’s This Morning hosts Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield that she had told Rooney’s wife Coleen that nothing happened.

She told ITV’s This Morning: ‘We got a cab – it was a whirlwind – there was no conversation, we were in the cab, at my car. I was a couple of drinks down – in my eyes I didn’t do anything wrong.’ 

She denied previous claims she said she had ‘kissed and cuddled’ the footballer, claiming the night had been ‘blown out of proportion’. 

She said: ‘If it was just a general person I don’t think it would be portrayed as this. If it was anyone else it wouldn’t be an issue.’ 

Miss Simpson also denied claims she goes out looking to meet footballers, telling presenters Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield: ‘I’ve met a footballer in a club before but it’s not something that I do.’

She admitted that the scandal must be difficult for Rooney’s pregnant wife Coleen to deal with, but insisted she had spoken to her and explained the situation.

‘I told Coleen everything I have told you, nothing happened, I haven’t got anything wrong, we got into the car, that’s it, I wish I hadn’t, but it was impulse.’ 

Miss Simpson headed off to Spain in the aftermath of the incident, and was seen sunning herself on the beach the weekend after the furore

Coleen has since been seen out twice without her wedding ring since the incident

Coleen has since been seen out twice without her wedding ring since the incident

Rooney drove her home in her VW Beetle, but their night out was ruined when police pulled them over due a faulty brake light and discovered Wayne was over the drink drive limit. 

Neither Rooney nor his wife have officially spoken about the incident, although Coleen has moved out of the family’s £6million home and has twice been seen out without her wedding ring since her husband’s arrest.

Friends have previously suggested it was likely they would reconcile, and Coleen has reportedly asked Wayne to take a break from his football career with Everton to spend time working on their marriage. 

Wayne is still wearing his wedding ring. His case is due to come before a court next week, when it is likely he will be banned from the road.

Rooney has been wearing his wedding ring. Friends say it is likely he and his wife will reconcile

Rooney has been wearing his wedding ring. Friends say it is likely he and his wife will reconcile

Miss Simpson was previously quoted as having said her tryst with the former England captain was ‘only a bit of harmless fun’, before admitting they probably would have ‘ended up s******g’ had it not been for the police stopping her car as he drove them home from a bar.

She had travelled more than 20 miles from her home in Irlam, north-west Manchester, to get to the bar, where regulars said they had not seen her drinking before.

She left her job as a property development company sales manager in Greater Manchester shortly after the scandal broke, but it is unclear what, if any, new role she has taken up.

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