Wayne Rooney ‘kiss and cuddle’ girl ‘spent night Fellaini

The woman who ‘kissed and cuddled’ Wayne Rooney before he was pulled over for drink driving enjoyed a night with his former teammate Marouane Fellaini – which ended when she dropped a Big Mac burger in his pool.

Laura Simpson, 29, reportedly does ‘laps’ of nightclubs to track down footballers with previous targets including Ryan Giggs and Joe Hart. 

And the single mother-of-one tried to seduce Fellaini, 29, before going back to his £4million mansion via McDonald’s.

But the night ended when she angered the Belgian international, who played with Rooney at Manchester United, after she dropped the burger into his swimming pool.

But the night ended when she dropped a Big Mac into his pool

Laura Simpson (pictured) enjoyed a night with Marouane Fellaini which ended when she dropped a Big Mac burger in his swimming pool 

The party girl, from Irlam, Greater Manchester, met the Belgian international (pictured) and went back to his £4million mansion

The party girl, from Irlam, Greater Manchester, met the Belgian international (pictured) and went back to his £4million mansion

Coleen Rooney was seen without her wedding ring as she headed to gym amid the storm over her husband's drive-drive arrest

Coleen Rooney was seen without her wedding ring as she headed to gym amid the storm over her husband's drive-drive arrest

Coleen Rooney was seen without her wedding ring as she headed to gym amid the storm over her husband’s drive-drive arrest

Rooney played in Everton's 3-0 loss at home to Tottenham yesterday - but his wife and three children were not in the stadium 

Rooney played in Everton’s 3-0 loss at home to Tottenham yesterday – but his wife and three children were not in the stadium 

According to the Sun on Sunday, Miss Simpson, from Irlam, Greater Manchester, told a friend that the pair were ‘messing around in his swimming pool’.

She said: ‘I got my Big Mac out, took a bite and the rest of the burger slid out and fell into the water.

‘I was mortified and he was really angry. I just remember seeing the lettuce and bread bobbing around on the surface and other bits slowly sinking. I can still see it now.’

She reportedly met Fellaini at a club called Sakura in Manchester back in 2014 and after talking for 20 minutes, Fellaini asked her to come home and she agreed. 

Miss Simpson refused to comment when the paper asked her about the incident. MailOnline has contacted Fellaini’s representatives for comment. 

Earlier this week, she claimed to MailOnline she had had liaisons with other soccer aces, adding: ‘I could give you so many stories!’ 

It comes as Rooney has reportedly begged his wife Coleen, 31, to not walk out on their relationship as she refused to take their children to watch him play.

The 31-year-old got booked during Everton’s 3-0 loss to Tottenham yesterday and his wife and three sons were not in the stadium.

Rooney is also said to have pleaded his innocence following his drink-drive arrest during a night out with the party girl near his Cheshire home while his pregnant wife was on holiday in Mallorca. 

Reports also suggest Miss Simpson studies Premier League fixtures to work out which football stars will be in town, before scouring party hotspots in the hope of bumping into them.

A friend of Miss Simpson, who has rocked the Everton striker’s marriage, said she made a move on ex-Manchester United star Giggs in a cocktail bar last summer.

The source told the Sun on Sunday: ‘She was doing her usual laps and clocked Giggs and some others. She forced her way on to their table and was all over Giggs. In fairness, he was just being polite.

‘Nothing happened but it wasn’t due to a lack of effort on her part.’

The source added that Miss Simpson chased after West Ham keeper Hart.

Miss Simpson’s friend told the paper: ‘He ignored her but she said, ‘Make sure you go to Suburbia’ which is a nightclub nearby.

The 31-year-old drove her Range Rover to the gym in Alderley Edge but was not sporting the wedding ring on her left hand

The 31-year-old drove her Range Rover to the gym in Alderley Edge but was not sporting the wedding ring on her left hand

She was said to have been furious after her husband was arrested in a car with a single mother, who said she planned to have sex with the England and Everton star

She was said to have been furious after her husband was arrested in a car with a single mother, who said she planned to have sex with the England and Everton star

‘Later on Joe was in Suburbia in a private cornered area, but Laura was frustrated because she couldn’t get access to it.’ 

Coleen, who is pregnant with the couple’s fourth child, is said to have deliberately missed her husband’s game at Goodison Park yesterday a day before she was spotted without her wedding ring.

A source told the Sun on Sunday that the Everton player was feeling ‘upset and alone all week’. 

They said: ‘Wayne has pleaded his innocence of doing anything with Laura and told Coleen he will do anything to keep the family together.

‘He has told her that she and the kids are his world. But it has been very tense all week and Coleen has been making it clear she hasn’t decided whether to forgive him.’

Rooney was charged and faces a court appearance and Miss Simpson said that she planned to have sex with the Everton and England star if they had not been stopped by police. 

Rooney has promised to give up drinking if his wife cuts back on her holidays – having already been away 10 times this year.   

On Friday, it was unclear whether Coleen had simply taken off the ring for her exercise session or whether the move is indicative of a growing gulf between the famous couple.

Coleen’s appearance came as regulars at The Bubble Room bar where Miss Simpson met Rooney said they believed it was the first time they had seen her at the venue.

Conal Duffy, keyboard player with the bar’s band Kojo, told MailOnline: ‘I had never seen her here before, but I have seen Wayne several times at the bar and nobody bothers him.

‘There are other celebrities who come into The Bubble Room like Didi Hamann and the golfer Jamie Donaldson and they are allowed to relax and have their privacy.’ 

She was not wearing the ring on her left hand, although it may have been removed while the WAG trained at the gym

She was not wearing the ring on her left hand, although it may have been removed while the WAG trained at the gym

She was not wearing the ring on her left hand, although it may have been removed while the WAG trained at the gym

A friend of Coleen's has denied claims Rooney wants her to go on fewer holidays if he is to cut his drinking

A friend of Coleen’s has denied claims Rooney wants her to go on fewer holidays if he is to cut his drinking

Coleen has not been afraid of showing off the ring before. It is pictured here as she watched her husband at Euro 2016

Coleen has not been afraid of showing off the ring before. It is pictured here as she watched her husband at Euro 2016

Miss Simpson had travelled 20 miles from her home to attend the venue in upmarket Alderley Edge where she met the footballer.

It has emerged the party girl had been keeping an eye on Coleen more than six weeks before she met up with the superstar football on the night she hoped would end in sex.

The self-confessed ‘bad girl’ was aware when Wayne’s wife was on holiday and had the opportunity to target the former England captain.

She had re-tweeted an update from Coleen when she was on holiday in Portugal with their three sons on July 21.

Coleen has yet to comment on the scandal surrounding her high-profile husband, other than to apparently deny claims she wanted to save her marriage.

Her husband was seen wearing his wedding ring as he headed to train with his Everton teammates this week.

His manager Ronald Koeman said he is ‘very disappointed’ with the situation. He said the club would deal with the matter internally.

Rooney is expected to get a fine of more than £300,000 but, in his first press conference since Rooney’s tawdry antics came to light, an exasperated-looking Koeman refused to discuss any disciplinary action the club may take against him.

Koeman confirmed Rooney had met him and chairman Bill Kenwright on Tuesday. Rooney is due to appear before magistrates in Stockport on September 18.   

Wayne Rooney has been wearing his wedding ring since his arrest. A friend said he 'doesn't know what to do with himself'

Wayne Rooney has been wearing his wedding ring since his arrest. A friend said he ‘doesn’t know what to do with himself’

Rooney drove into Everton's Finch Farm training ground today on the eve of the team's match with Tottenham

Rooney drove into Everton’s Finch Farm training ground today on the eve of the team’s match with Tottenham

He faces court after he was arrested by police for drink-driving while in the car of a single mother who said she would have had sex with the footballer during a tryst last Friday

He faces court after he was arrested by police for drink-driving while in the car of a single mother who said she would have had sex with the footballer during a tryst last Friday

Rooney's manager Ronald Koeman told reportersyesterday he was ¿very disappointed¿ with the footballer¿s behaviour

Rooney’s manager Ronald Koeman told reportersyesterday he was ‘very disappointed’ with the footballer’s behaviour

Coleen has already been on 10 trips this year, including jaunts to Madrid, Majorca, Ibiza, Las Vegas, Barbados and Portugal. Despite Wayne’s reported pleas, she is planning another getaway to Dubai next month, The Sun reported.

Mrs Rooney had moved to her parents after walking out on her husband, who had been in the spare room after his boozy evening with Ms Simpson.

Miss Simpson reportedly planned to ‘s***’ the former England star before the police pulled him over. She reportedly said: ‘I was up for it and so was he until he got arrested for drink driving. It spoiled the night.’

His wife Coleen, who has stood by him before, then flew back from Spain with their three children and reportedly screamed at him: ‘The world is laughing at me because of you. How could you do this to me while I’m pregnant? How could you be so stupid?’ 

According to another friend last week, Coleen feels her marriage is ‘over’ while Wayne ‘doesn’t know what to do with himself’. 

Miss Simpson, who allowed Rooney to drive her VW Beetle at 2am, said the pair had ¿kissed and cuddled¿ after he complimented her on her breasts

Miss Simpson, who allowed Rooney to drive her VW Beetle at 2am, said the pair had ¿kissed and cuddled¿ after he complimented her on her breasts

Miss Simpson (pictured on Wednesday, who allowed Rooney to drive her VW Beetle at 2am, said the pair had ‘kissed and cuddled’ after he complimented her on her breasts

Rooney trained with his team yesterday as his manager told of his 'disappointment' at the circus surrounding the player

Rooney trained with his team yesterday as his manager told of his 'disappointment' at the circus surrounding the player

Rooney trained with his team yesterday as his manager told of his ‘disappointment’ at the circus surrounding the player 

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