Ways To Identify Alcohol-Abuse Symptoms & What Are The Best Treatments

Alcohol abuse is a pervasive problem that harms the lives and futures of millions of individuals all over the world. According to a study conducted by the American Medical Association, 1 in 8 (or 12.5%) American citizens satisfy the criteria to be diagnosed with Alcohol Use Disorder or alcohol abuse. There are many kinds of warning signs that can point towards potential or ongoing alcohol abuse, some of which are easily recognizable. However, a large number of these symptoms present themselves in a myriad of ways. This can make intervention a really difficult process.

Mild alcoholism can be overlooked or disregarded by people, and this is extremely dangerous. This kind of situation can spiral quickly into a serious issue, and have a detrimental effect on the education, career, social life, etc. of the person involved. There are a number of addiction symptoms and treatment signs that should not be ignored at all. If you spot any of these signs in a friend or a relative, you should take immediate steps to ensure that they are put on the road to recognition, recovery and rehabilitation.

What are the signs of alcohol abuse?

When alcohol abuse continues to negatively affect all the aspects of an individual’s life, then it can be characterized as Alcohol Abuse Disorder or AUD. Recognizing the warning signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse is extremely important, and can actually make a huge and impactful difference in the entire recovery and rehabilitation process of the individual in question. Here are some of the most common symptoms of AUD.

  1. Frequent Blackouts and Short-Term Amnesia: Individuals with alcohol abuse issues frequently experience blackouts and short-term amnesia, especially when they are drinking alcohol regularly. For more helpful information, check out these helpful alcohol information statistics.
  2. Extreme Mood Swings: Individuals with alcohol abuse issues also have drastic and uncontrollable mood swings, and can even display temper issues. These mood swings can also present themselves as sullenness, irritability, anger and grief.
  3. Choosing Drinking over All Else: If the individual chooses to drink excessively and regularly instead of fulfilling their academic or professional obligations, then they could be suffering from AUD. Individuals with alcoholism often find it difficult to focus elsewhere.
  4. Becoming Isolated From Loved Ones: Individuals with alcohol abuse issues also choose to distance and isolated themselves from their loved ones, like partners, friends and family. If someone you know is growing more distant steadily, they could have AUD.
  5. Feeling Hung-over Even When Not Drinking: Individuals who suffer from chronic alcohol abuse can develop a physical dependence on alcohol. As a result, they can feel hung-over during the times they are not consuming alcohol. This is a very serious symptom of alcohol abuse.

What are the best treatments for alcohol abuse?

The first step to treating alcohol abuse is to recognize that the individual has a problem. After that is done, then they have to detoxify their body. Then, they have to enroll in a proper rehabilitation and recovery program. Once this is done, they have to continue to reinforce whatever they’ve learnt by visiting group therapy sessions, support group sessions, clinical support and rehabilitative care.