‘We cannot let the United States be like Europe’: Ron DeSantis says continent is ‘committing suicide with the mass migration’ and there is more anti-Semitism in Germany than any time since Hitler

  • The Florida Governor said inviting in hoards of people from societies that hate the west is a bad idea
  • DeSantis said he is staunchly opposed to taking immigrants who ‘reject American culture,’ including Palestinians from the Gaza strip 

During Wednesday night’s final GOP debate of 2023, candidates were pulling out their best one-liners and insults as they each attempted to pitch themselves one more time to the American people.

Ron DeSantis had what is generally being reviewed as a good night, during which he fleshed out his position on US immigration by saying that Europe is ‘committing suicide with the mass immigration.’

In an answer about placing limits on legal and illegal immigration to the US, the Florida Governor said: ‘Look what happened in Europe, you have more anti-Semitism in Germany than any time since Adolf Hitler.

‘Why? Because they imported mass numbers of people who reject their culture. Europe is committing suicide.’

DeSantis was likely referring to the rapid influx of Muslims to various parts of Europe in the last handful of years, and the Islamist extremists who wish to destroy the west.

‘We should not be importing people from cultures that are hostile,’ he later said, going on to speak about absolutely rejecting the idea of accepting any Palestinians displaced by the ongoing war in the Middle East.

‘We’re not taking anyone from Gaza, because of the anti-Semitism! And because they reject American culture,’ he continued.

‘We’ve got to get smart about this. We cannot let tthe United States be like Europe.’ 

He used his answer time not only to thrash the immigration policies of the US’ closest ally, but also to take aim at Nikki Haley.

The Sunshine State leader, who is currently polling some 30 points behind Donald Trump in his home state, accused Haley of saying that there should be ‘no limits on legal immigration, and that corporate CEOs should set the policy on that.’

‘That’s not true. Quit lying,’ shot back Haley, the former US Ambassador to the UN during the Trump administration.

Speaking about the issue of illegal immigration into the United States via the southern border – where we know tens of thousands of migrants are pouring into the country each week – DeSantis said that authorities absolutely have the ability to deport anybody in this country who is here illegally.’

‘I did that as governor of South Carolina,’ Haley quickly tossed in before the question was posed to former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

The Florida Governor is currently polling some 30 points behind Donald Trump in his home state

DeSantis used his answer time not only to thrash the immigration policies of the US' closest ally, but also to take aim at Nikki Haley

DeSantis used his answer time not only to thrash the immigration policies of the US’ closest ally, but also to take aim at Nikki Haley 

During Wednesday night's final GOP debate of 2023, candidates were pulling out their best one-liners and insults as they each attempted to pitch themselves one more time to the American people

During Wednesday night’s final GOP debate of 2023, candidates were pulling out their best one-liners and insults as they each attempted to pitch themselves one more time to the American people 

Throughout the evening, Nikki Haley – who has surged in recent weeks – took criticism from all sides, but especially from DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy, who labeled her a corporate puppet.

DeSantis accused Haley of not supporting a ban on gender-affirming medical care for young people and opposing bathroom laws when she was governor, both of which she denied. 

And he questioned whether she would act in the best interests of ordinary Americans or Wall Street donors.

‘We know from her history Nikki will cave to those big donors when it counts and that is not acceptable,’ DeSantis said. 

Ramaswamy hit her even harder, also bringing up her support from big donors and her time on the board of Boeing Co., and suggesting that she was bankrupt when she left office.

‘It adds up the fact that you are corrupt,’ he said.

Haley was ready for that line of attack. 

‘And in terms of these donors that are supporting me, they’re just jealous,’ she told the audience. ‘They wish that they were supporting them.’ 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk