With temperatures set to plummet over the next few weeks, one weatherman has shared a handy hack for defrosting your windshield he believes everyone should know.
Meteorologist Ken Weathers, who is an East Tennessee WATE 6 News weatherman, posted a home video on YouTube that was shared by LifeHacker and has racked up hundreds of thousands of views.
His tutorial involves mixing two parts Isopropyl alcohol, (also known as rubbing alcohol or surgical spirit), and one part water – things he says most people will already have in their house.
Meteorologist Ken Weathers, who is an East Tennessee WATE 6 News weatherman, shared a video showing how to defrost your car windscreen – and it’s sweeping the internet
He advises mixing the two ingredients together and popping them in a spray bottle and then spritzing it over your windscreen.
As his video attests, after a few seconds, the windscreen becomes clear and he simply wipes away the excess solution.
He guarantees that the solution will help defrost your windscreen in no time at all – just beware of using warm water, which will break the glass.
The weatherman also adds that the freezing point for rubbing alcohol is -128.2°F, so you can leave the solution in your car without fear of it freezing.
He tells motorists to mix two parts Isopropyl alcohol, (rubbing alcohol), and one part water and pop them in a spray bottle and spritz over your windscreen
In his simple demonstration he shows viewers how to mix the solution, which you spritz on your car before wiping off a few seconds later
Weathers was subject to a few comments from unconvinced drivers who said the hack was dangerous and could crack a windscreen.
In response, he told the doubters that he’d consulted with body shops who informed him that if motorists wash or wax their car as recommended, there will be no damage.
He also notes that you can easily wipe the solution of without scraping or scrubbing too hard.
Another one of his viral videos saw him reveal how to protect your windscreen wipers in cold conditions.
He advises lifting the blades off the glass and covering them with old socks.
In the video he spritzes the solution over his windscreen and watches the frost disappear in seconds