Web And SEO Trends In 2021

Trend 1: social and environmentally focused designs

Social and ecological issues have been gaining importance in recent years. More and more often this fact helps companies to have more direct contact with their customers and connect with them on a deeper level. The coronavirus pandemic has also demonstrated the importance and needs to have active participation in the World Wide Web, either through social networks or on the website itself.

Efforts to promote sustainable development or social commitment are issues that have a much greater influence on web design today than a few years ago. Images, videos, photos, or simulations placed in prominent places are in trend when used to show the company’s involvement in a certain cause.

Trend 2: Parallax effect

Parallax scrolling isn’t the latest trend in web design either, but it’s going to continue to be in vogue. The parallax effect has been used in the most modern pages for some years, providing an effect of depth by making the different layers that make it up to move at different speeds. In the best implementations, this effect is accompanied by elements that motivate the user to take some action. This makes it such a good pair with interactive storytelling. The Every Last Drop page is a good example to understand this effect well.

Trend 3: chatbots

Programs that perform communication tasks are nothing new. Chatbots have left the field of artificial intelligence research to be integrated, today, incorporate pages or online stores. Typically this is a small pop-up window that reads user queries and generates automatic responses that can be customized using machine learning algorithms.

Thus, it is possible to give the user the impression that it is a flesh and blood employee who is offering support. They are usually implemented as assistants in the virtual sale or as an alternative to the classic FAQ (common questions).

Trend 4: Progress bars

If the user has to wait, then he should at least know for how long. The progress bar does not shorten the time the page loads, but if it is designed in an attractive way, it can make waiting less boring. The goal is to prevent the user from leaving the page when forced to wait for it to load. It is known that the tolerance margin of the modern Internet user has been progressively reduced as the connections improved.


The article was prepared by the site CheckWebsite.proWebsites And Domain Names Monitoring where you can also find out the more detailed information and the analysis of the site 6streamd.