Website calculates how long you can last with your current stash of toilet paper while quarantined 

Incredible website calculates how long you can last with your stash of toilet paper while quarantined – and it’s proof you DON’T need to panic buy

  • The site calculates how long people’s toilet paper will last during self isolation
  • Users say how many rolls they have and how many times a day they use the toilet
  • then calculates how many days their loo roll will last
  • The website also tells them what percentage of their stash they are using up
  • Average user has 500 per cent more toilet paper than they need for quarantine
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A new website calculates how long people can last with their current stash of toilet paper while self-isolating during the coronavirus pandemic. 

Users enter how many toilet rolls they have at home, and how many times per day they visit the bathroom. then calculates how many days their toilet paper will last and what percentage of their quarantined stash they are going through. 

There are also advanced settings which alter wipes per trip, sheets per wipe, sheets on roll and the length of your quarantine. 

Users are able to enter in how many toilet rolls they have at home, and how many times per day they visit the bathroom on

Panic buying has resulted in  supermarkets left stripped of toilet paper, pasta, rice and frozen food, as well as tinned and other dried goods. Pictured: a frustrated man trying to buy toilet paper in a Melbourne Woolworths supermarket

Panic buying has resulted in  supermarkets left stripped of toilet paper, pasta, rice and frozen food, as well as tinned and other dried goods. Pictured: a frustrated man trying to buy toilet paper in a Melbourne Woolworths supermarket

It has now been used by over two million people people and is helping to reduce toilet paper shortage round the world.

The website was created by London-based software developer Ben Sassoon and Artist Sam Harris.a

The pair were inspired to create the calculator after having a discussion about how much toilet paper they each used on a daily basis and how that would change during the pandemic.   

The average user has 500 per cent more toilet paper than they need for quarantine.

The creation of the website comes after hundreds of thousands of people around the world began stripping supermarket shelves of toilet paper in preparation for quarantine.  

Supplies of toilet paper are plentiful in Australia but supermarkets are currently selling six weeks’ worth of the product in a single day. 

Coles, Woolworths and Aldi have placed restrictions on almost all products as they work to meet the demand of the Australian population.

The extreme desperation for toilet paper has caused stampedes and fights to break out across suburban supermarkets.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison last week urged Australians to stop hoarding toilet paper and other essential supplies.

He said the panic-buying chaos sweeping grocery stores across the country has been one of the ‘most disappointing things’ he has seen in ‘Australian behaviour’ in response to this crisis.

The creation of the website comes after thousands of people around the world began stripping supermarket shelves bare of toilet paper in preparation for quarantine

The creation of the website comes after thousands of people around the world began stripping supermarket shelves bare of toilet paper in preparation for quarantine 

The hysteria has seen supermarkets stripped of toilet paper, pasta, rice and frozen food, as well as tinned and other dried goods

The hysteria has seen supermarkets stripped of toilet paper, pasta, rice and frozen food, as well as tinned and other dried goods


New South Wales: 436

Victoria: 229

Queensland: 221

Western Australia: 90

South Australia: 67

Tasmania: 16

Australian Capital Territory: 9

Northern Territory: 5



The hysteria has seen supermarkets stripped of toilet paper, pasta, rice and frozen food, as well as tinned and other dried goods.

‘Stop hoarding. I can’t be more blunt about it. Stop it,’ Mr Morrison said as he addressed the nation last Wednesday.

‘That is not who we are as a people. It is not necessary. It is not something that people should be doing.

‘It is distracting attention and efforts that need to be going into other measures, to be focusing on how we maintain supply chains into these shopping centres.

‘It’s ridiculous. It’s un-Australian, and it must stop, and I would ask people to do the right thing by each other in getting a handle on these sorts of practices.’