Well-wishers donate £11,500 to hard-up 59-year-old man

Well-wishers donate £11,500 to 59-year-old man who hung Morrisons bag and note on his garden gate in hope of ‘a couple of tins of beans’ – with ‘single mum thousands in debt’ even giving £1

  • Well-wishers donated more than £11,500 to help a hard-up 59-year-old man
  • Known only as William, he hung a bag outside his home asking for ‘assistance’
  • Within hours of his cry for help, he was inundated with offers of food and support
  • Do YOU know William? tips@dailymail.co.uk and rod.ardehali@mailonline.co.uk 

Well-wishers donated more than £11,500 to help a 59-year-old man who hung a Morrisons bag on his garden gate with a note asking for help with food and electricity.

The hard-up man put the note outside his home in the Carlton area of Nottingham in the hope that passers-by would drop a ‘couple of tins of beans’ in the bag.

Within hours of his cry for help the man, known only as William, received food from Clifton food bank and his heating and light was turned back on.

The man said he had only hoped for a ‘couple of tins of beans’ when asked by a local reporter, but it didn’t stop there with offers of help continuing to pour in – including offers of hot meals and cash donations.

Well-wishers donated more than £11,500 to help a 59-year-old man who hung a Morrisons bag on his garden gate with a note asking for help.  Within hours of his cry for help the man received food from a food bank and his heating and light was turned back on

After revealing that his last ‘proper’ meal was a jam sandwich, Jenny Connell, who lives in Carlton, offered to drop him off a hot dinner a couple of times a week.

Among the donations was £1 from an anonymous single working mum who posted: ‘Sorry it’s not a lot. In thousands of debt myself but what’s an extra £1! Merry Christmas x.’

One youngster donated their pocket money, while an unknown well-wisher chipped in £1 even though they’re still paying off their son’s funeral.

Another donated £1.78, with the message: ‘I can only apologise this is all I have in my bank account, we all fall on hard times including myself at the moment but we all need to help each other.’

Businessman Craig Crawford, who set the ball rolling, said: ‘It’s heart-breaking but heart-warming seeing people give their last penny to help him.

After revealing that his last 'proper' meal was a jam sandwich, scores of people pledged to bring him more food and Jenny Connell, who lives in Carlton, offered to drop him off a hot dinner a couple of times a week

After revealing that his last ‘proper’ meal was a jam sandwich, scores of people pledged to bring him more food and Jenny Connell, who lives in Carlton, offered to drop him off a hot dinner a couple of times a week

A Facebook page called 'Send William A Christmas Card & Help Him! has been created asking people to send William a Christmas card. One was sent from 11-year-old Savannah, saying: 'I am so sorry you have to live like this but we are going to try and help you soooo much. I am so glad to help you'

A Facebook page called ‘Send William A Christmas Card & Help Him! has been created asking people to send William a Christmas card. One was sent from 11-year-old Savannah, saying: ‘I am so sorry you have to live like this but we are going to try and help you soooo much. I am so glad to help you’

‘It’s humbling and I’m proud to see the community pull together to help when someone is in need. It’s a great example of what social media can do.’

The money will be used to help William, with some set aside for others in desperate need.

Do YOU know William? 

Email: tips@dailymail.co.uk and rod.ardehali@mailonline.co.uk

William, who lives alone in the house following the death of his mother, had been making ends meet by selling off furniture and games in garage sales until recently.

Adult social care has been contacted in a bid to help him claim benefits.

Previously he had too much pride to claim, saying others were in greater need.

Cards can be sent to a PO Box which is in the process of being set up

Cards can be sent to a PO Box which is in the process of being set up

He may also be able to claim financial support via Boots benevolent fund as a former employee.

It’s not just the money which has been a concern but loneliness too. But since the story emerged a cousin has been in touch and is planning a visit.

A Facebook page called ‘Send William A Christmas Card & Help Him! has been created asking people to send William a Christmas card.

One was sent from 11-year-old Savannah, saying: ‘I am so sorry you have to live like this but we are going to try and help you soooo much. I am so glad to help you.

‘My sister had bought some stuff to try and make you feel better.’

Cards can be sent to a PO Box which is in the process of being set up.

Do YOU know William? E: tips@dailymail.co.uk and rod.ardehali@mailonline.co.uk

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk