Welsh teacher got too drunk after staff party is banned for 6 months

Samantha Beresford, 51, has been suspended from the classroom for six months after the incident

A primary school teacher has been struck off after she got drunk at an end of term party and pretended to perform oral sex on the steps of a Jehovah’s Witness temple.

Samantha Beresford, 51, went out with colleagues from Townhill Community School in Swansea, south Wales, when she got into an alcohol fuelled row.

Witnesses said the teacher, who later told police she was ‘eight out of ten drunk’ started swearing, performing mock sex acts and called worshipper Gavin Young a ‘f***ing b*****d.’ 

Mrs Beresford, of Sketty, Swansea, grabbed Mr Young by the throat for five seconds, and was later convicted of assault by beating.

A fitness to practice hearing in Cardiff heard Mrs Beresford tried to enter the temple in Swansea in July 2016 after downing drinks with fellow school staff.

Case presenter Cadi Dewi, said: ‘Samantha Beresford attempted to enter a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah Witnesses whilst intoxicated following celebratory drinks at the end of the school term.

‘There was an altercation with a member of the congregation outside the hall when she refused to leave the premises.’

The hearing heard Mrs Beresford wanted to confront her sister-in-law who she had ‘issues’ with on her views about homosexuality. 

A fitness to practice hearing in Cardiff heard Mrs Beresford tried to enter the Jehovah's Witness temple (pictured) in Swansea in July 2016 after downing drinks with fellow school staff

A fitness to practice hearing in Cardiff heard Mrs Beresford tried to enter the Jehovah’s Witness temple (pictured) in Swansea in July 2016 after downing drinks with fellow school staff

Church member Mr Young said: ‘She was shouting when she walked up the path towards me and she was making references to her relative and making references to her religious views on homosexuality.

‘She wanted to walk past me through the open door so I grabbed her wrists and she grabbed me by the neck and held on to my throat for five seconds which resulted in a bleed.’

Mrs Beresford was convicted of assault by beating at Swansea Magistrates court in 2016.

The teacher, who worked at the school since 1991 and was ‘well thought of,’ was fined £600 and ordered to pay £50 in compensation.

Mrs Beresford was a teacher at the 500-pupil Townhill Community primary school in Swansea

Mrs Beresford was a teacher at the 500-pupil Townhill Community primary school in Swansea

In a statement Mrs Beresford said: ‘Against my better judgement I walked towards the hall, shouting expletives believing my relative to be inside. I had more to drink than usual and was tired after a busy term.

‘I deeply regret my actions which led to my arrest and caused great distress to my family.

‘The incident continues to have a devastating effect.

‘I let myself, my family, my friends, and school down badly and I am ashamed and embarrased. It’s something I will regret until the day I die.’

The Cardiff Fitness to Practice panel chairman Jacqueline Turnbull said Mrs Beresford had not demonstrated a ‘significant level of insight’ into her behaviour.

She was suspended from teaching for six months – and will have to reapply to join the teacher’s register.  

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk