Welsh teacher mocked for looking like Chuckle Brother is struck off

Jonathan Burrett, 52, of Cardiff, dragged a boy through the school yard by his backpack

A teacher mocked for looking like one of the Chuckle Brothers has been struck off for losing his temper when he was hit on the head by a sweet thrown by a pupil.

Jonathan Burrett, 52, dragged the boy by his backpack through the yard in front of horrified pupils and teachers at a high school in Caerphilly, South Wales.

A fitness to practise hearing in Cardiff was told the pupil was left ‘shaken’ and inured by the ordeal.

Supply teacher Burrett had earlier been cleared by another court of attacking another boy who told him he looked like ChuckleVision brother Barry Chuckle.

But he was convicted of battery in April 2016 following the clash involving the sweet. He was ordered to pay a fine of £240 and £50 in compensation.

Presenting officer Patrick Llewelyn said: ‘Allegation one was assault by battery. It’s believed to have started when a pupil, referred to as Pupil A, threw a sweet, which hit the teacher on the head.

‘Following this he dragged the pupil by his backpack and dragged him through the yard. Pupil A attempted to get back on his feet but he fell. An injury was sustained by Pupil A.’

Supply teacher Burrett had in 2007 been cleared at court of attacking another boy who told him he looked like ChuckleVision brother Barry Chuckle (right, with brother Paul)

Supply teacher Burrett had in 2007 been cleared at court of attacking another boy who told him he looked like ChuckleVision brother Barry Chuckle (right, with brother Paul)

A year later, in September 2017, Burnett was handed a restraining order at Cardiff Magistrates’ Court after turning up at his ex-girlfriend’s home and repeatedly texting her.

Mr Llewelyn said the harrassment charge related to Burrett contacting an ex after the breakdown of their relationship.

Mr Llewelyn said: ‘He was in a relationship for five years and the details of the case indicate he was texting her for months. He was attending her home address.’

He told how the offences were committed recently and the actions were a ‘conflict with the code of conduct’, 

Mr Llewelyn said: ‘It’s clear that Pupil A was physically injured. It was collectively seen by pupils and staff. Mr Burrett’s role was to be a role model to learners.’

Burrett, of St Mellons, Cardiff, was handed a prohibition order at the hearing – banning him from teaching. He was not present or represented at the hearing.

Burrett said he had a 'large moustache at the time'

Barry Chuckle

Burrett said he had a ‘large moustache at the time’, adding that he expects ‘somebody of limited intelligence’ might think he looks like Barry Chuckle (right) from ChuckleVision

He was also convicted of failing to surrender to custody in September 2017. In January this year he was also convicted of failing to comply with a community order.

Burrett was cleared of attacking a schoolboy in 2007 who joked about him looking like Barry Chuckle.

The teacher denied hitting the boy, aged 13, after he sung the theme tune to children’s TV show ChuckleVision in the classroom.

He told the court: ‘I did have a large moustache at the time. I expect to somebody of limited intelligence I would look like Barry from ChuckleVision.’

Pupils at the school in Cwmbran, South Wales, were singing the tune when they came into a technology lesson he was covering.

He asked them to be quiet but one pupil continued singing and was rocking on their chair.

The teacher claimed he had asked the boy to stop and gave him a ‘friendly’ pat on the back – but denied the boy’s claims that he ‘whacked’ him four times. He was cleared at Cardiff Crown court.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk