West Midlands policeman filmed in shocking racist outburst

A police officer has been removed from front line duties after he was caught on camera telling a black man: ‘You would be the first one I would shoot if I had a gun.’

Footage filmed on a smartphone shows at least three officers talking to 24-year-old Jack Chambers after they entered his home in Coventry.

The video shows the brief conversation they had and one officer asked Mr Chambers why he did not open the door after they shouted ‘police’.

He explained he was ‘half asleep’ and did not know who they were and added that they could have been ‘thieves’ or ‘burglars’. 

They told him they had been banging on his door

The police officers were filmed talking to Jack Chambers after entering his home in Coventry

The men were seen laughing in the video

One of the officers said: 'You would be the first one I would shoot if I had a gun, definitely'

The officers could be seen laughing when one of the men asked him if he was ‘going to go all Black Lives Matter’ on them

Just moments later the officer – who was laughing out loud – asked him if he was ‘going to go all Black Lives Matter’ on them.

Shockingly, an officer could then be heard saying: ‘You would be the first one I would shoot if I had a gun, definitely.’

Mr Chambers reacted by saying ‘Oh, f****** hell’ and the PC continued to laugh. 

West Midlands Police said that the constable could be heard making ‘racial comments’ to a member of the public. 

Staff from West Midlands Police’s Professional Standards Department are investigating the video after it was posted on social media.    

A police spokesman said: ‘The constable is heard to make racial comments to a member of the public during a search of a premises in Coventry on 24 August.

‘The force received an official complaint and referred the matter to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC).’

Assistant Chief Constable Alex Murray said: ‘What was said was not right and the officer has been removed from front line duties pending further assessment.

‘The officer has already expressed remorse and is very apologetic over his comments.

‘We expect the highest standards of behaviour from all our officers and staff, and we will always take complaints from members of the public seriously.’

Jack Chambers (pictured), from Coventry, was speaking to the officers when one of them said he would 'shoot him first if he had a gun'

Jack Chambers (pictured), from Coventry, was speaking to the officers when one of them said he would ‘shoot him first if he had a gun’

The 24-year-old (pictured) told the officers he did not open the door last month because he was 'half asleep' 

The 24-year-old (pictured) told the officers he did not open the door last month because he was ‘half asleep’ 

The reason for the police’s visit to the house was not known.

Community activist Desmond Jaddoo said: ‘My concern as an activist is taken into account the current climate and deaths in custody and also community relations, this goes no way in building trust and confidence with the police.

‘We call on West Midlands Police not only to investigate this matter but to remove this particularly officer from his duty.

‘As far as I’m concerned these are serious matters, police officers are there to set an example, their behaviour must be beyond reproach.

‘You don’t not make flippant statements about serious issues which affect communities.

‘This is not locker room banter.’ 

Lawyers working on behalf of Mr Chambers today confirmed they are considering pursuing a civil claim against West Midlands Police.

Karl Griffin, of Hudgell Solicitors, said: ‘Mr Chambers has contacted us for advice with regards to potentially making a legal claim as a result of the actions of officers from the force.

‘He has instructed us saying he was made to feel intimidated by comments made to him with regards to race, and use of firearms.

‘We welcome the fact that the assistant chief constable has admitted that these comments, which were filmed by Mr Chambers, were not right, and that the actions of the particular officer are now subject to a review by the force’s Professional Standards Department and the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

‘Police officers have a duty to treat all with the same respect and follow strict guidelines and procedures.

‘We will await the findings of the subsequent investigations with regard to this case, and consider possible legal actions with regards to potential breaches of professional standards and the Equalities Act.’


Officer: Why weren’t we answering the door then?

Man: Because I was f****** half asleep

Officer: Well someone was awake enough to close the window

Man: Yeah, because I thought you were going to come through the window and attack me

Officer: We were going to come through the window

Man: I didn’t know who you was. Climbing up the window like thieves. Climbing up the window like burglars

Officer: What? When we shouted ‘police, open the door?’

Man: Police? That’s even worse, I’ve been seeing all kinds of videos I have

Officer: Are you going to go Black Lives Matter on us are you?

Man: Yeah

The officer laughs

Officer: You would be the first one I’d shoot if I had a gun, definitely

Man: Ah, f****** hell

And the officer laughs again

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk